Category "tk"

Tkinter get rid of the python icon in messagebox tkinter

How can I get rid of the Python (or matplotlib) icon when running this code? Even when I add icon='info', I still get the rocket with the python logo. Please ch

Difference Between Variable And Textvariable in tkinter

My code: my_var = tk.StringVar() m_var2 = tk.StringVar() my_entry1 = ttk.Entry(root, width=16, textvariable=my_var) my_radio1 = ttk.Radiobutton(root, text="1

Python - Tkinter not support MacOS Mojave Dark Mode

I have a problem with the support of Dark Mode on MacOS in python Tkinter. I used python 3.6 with ActiveTlc 8.5 and the Dark Mode works fine, the window titleba

Making tkinter notebook tabs shrink to fit or adding scrolling to tabs

How can I add scrolling to the tabs of the tkinter notebook? By default notebooks will just expand when more tabs are added but that can lead to errors for apps

Why are multiple instances of Tk discouraged?

Consider below example: import tkinter as tk root = tk.Tk() root.title("root") other_window = tk.Tk() other_window.title("other_window") root.mainloop() a

Python GUI using tkinter and db connection [duplicate]

I am not able to get any output from the following program.What i am trying to do here is store employee name and salary in a database and lat

tkinter enable/disable menu

I need some help in this. I want the user to login ... once he is logged in, only the menu corresponding to the module he is allowed to access will be enabled.