Category "toggle"

How can i hide long description and making it toggle in react js?

I face a problem. my reactjs application has some card items and has some descriptions here. Here I want to make it a short description and a button, and when I

Core data - TableView - Toggle - Index out of range

I have a data model like this. The data is connected to core data. import Foundation import CoreData @objc(Aktie) class Aktie: NSManagedObject { @NSManaged

Change image onClick in React Js

I'm trying to create a page in my React Js project, with the content on the left side and content's image on the right side. So far, I was able to create a togg

Close open tab on click with vanilla javascript

I've been trying to build a tab system where the tabs close on click. At the moment when I try to close an open tab it just remains open. Basically when I click

Angular 5 Material mat-sidenav toggle not working

I'm trying to get the sidenav to work using the official open/close example. I'm new to Angular, so I'm not sure how everything is supposed to work, but for o

How to change toggle on just one Core Data item using ForEach in SwiftUI?

How to change just one toggle in a list without subviews? I know how to make it work if I extract Subview from everything inside ForEach, but how to do it on on

Collapse/expand targeted section bootstrap not working

My goal is to toggle a specific section to expand or collapse a list of numbers. I am using Bootstrap for a toggle button to control this section, but it isn't

SwiftUI - how to change text alignment of label in Toggle?

Code for Toggle in SwiftUI is this: Toggle(isOn: $vibrateOnRing) { Text("Vibrate on Ring") } This will produce a toggle button with text label looking like