Category "traits"

Why use traits? [closed]

What typical scenario would traits be used for in a Rust program? I have tried to wrap my head around them, but I still don't have a clear con

How do you implement a trait for T where T: Foo OR Bar

In rust, you can automatically implement a trait for any type that implements some other combination of traits. Ie: impl<T: Foo + Bar> SomeTrait for T {

Trouble implementing custom IntoIterator trait

I'm new to rust, so forgive me if the question is naive. I'm trying to build an OS in rust and I'm following this tutorial. The OS doesn't have memory managemen

Lifetime sub-typing and impl-trait

I bumped into an interesting form of lifetime sub-typing, which I think is valid, but the compiler is skeptical of. Consider the following function, which compu

Rust: additional trait bounds in conjunction with higher-ranked lifetime bounds

I want trait implementations in Rust to be able to return arbitrary iterators (of specific item type) that may reference the original object with a lifetime 'a

Pick preferred implementation on conflicting trait implementation (using negative bounds)

I am working on a Rust program where I got stuck on a problem that can be reduced to following case: struct Pair<L, R> { left: L, right: R, } // Retu

How can I create an is_prime function that is generic over various integer types?

I just took the dive into Rust and want to make some basic math functions that are generic. I have the following is_prime function: fn is_prime(n: i64) -> b