What typical scenario would traits be used for in a Rust program? I have tried to wrap my head around them, but I still don't have a clear con
In rust, you can automatically implement a trait for any type that implements some other combination of traits. Ie: impl<T: Foo + Bar> SomeTrait for T {
I'm new to rust, so forgive me if the question is naive. I'm trying to build an OS in rust and I'm following this tutorial. The OS doesn't have memory managemen
I bumped into an interesting form of lifetime sub-typing, which I think is valid, but the compiler is skeptical of. Consider the following function, which compu
I want trait implementations in Rust to be able to return arbitrary iterators (of specific item type) that may reference the original object with a lifetime 'a
I am working on a Rust program where I got stuck on a problem that can be reduced to following case: struct Pair<L, R> { left: L, right: R, } // Retu
I just took the dive into Rust and want to make some basic math functions that are generic. I have the following is_prime function: fn is_prime(n: i64) -> b