Category "transparency"

Transparent background image for Form - Smooth edge shape for the Form

When I tried from with transparent background, it's not completely transparent. I tried two code blocks for this issue. First i tried like this code: public F

FFMPEG: create a transparent background with lavfi?

I can create a transparent background using lavfi by setting colorkey - but that gives problems with edges around fonts, etc. ffmpeg.exe -y -f lavfi -i color=s

How to control image transparency?

I have an image in my worksheet I want to fade out. I am tying to set different stages of transparency for the image: Set myPicture = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Inser

picom transparency doesn't apply to alacritty (bspwm)

I have a fresh install of arch linux and am currently trying to theme the terminal (alacritty) and the transparency when I set it in ~/.config/picom/picom.conf

Modifying a gif image in go...not setting transparency correctly

I have some code which performs the following logical operations: Read in and decode a gif image to a *GIF using gif.DecodeAll Modify some pixels in each frame

Transparency for windows forms textbox

I'm using windows forms in C# and I need to make a textbox's background color transparent. I have a trackbar that goes from 0 to 255 that is supposed to control