Category "try-catch"

Adding logging for an object inside catch block

I want to handle exceptions in code in a way that during the processing of an object if an exception arises, then in the catch block I want to log the object th

it doesn't loop but just breaks even if i input Y

def interact(): while True: try: num = int(input("Please input an integer: ")) if (num % 2) == 0: print ("{

Unity freezes at IndexOutOfRangeException, even though I continue

I have this "Game" class that gets instantiated at Start and sets up the field for Minesweeper and in this process I count the adjacent Mines for each field. us

"status": 500, "message": "Error TypeError: Cannot read property 'catch' of undefined"

This question is resolved by Adding await before client.messages.create I am trying to send a WhatsApp message using Twilio. the following is the Code const acc

How to check NPE in a try() segment for autocloseable?

When I use 'try(){} catch' to deal with autoclosable object, findbugs report a bug that I don't check nullale for the instance populate in the '()' segment. So

c# Try-catch with conditional statement?

I'm trying to validate that the input for gpa entered is between 0.00 and 4.00 If this condition isn't met, the program has to stay within the while loop until

Try...catch not working as expected in Google Apps Script

[Edited to include a minimal reproducible example as suggested by T.J. Crowder.] I'm working on a simple function using Google Apps Script that is supposed to

Handle error for duplicate entries - PHP/MySQL

What is the proper way to handle error on duplicate entries for PHP/MySQL? The code below is not working even tho the code 1062 is the right code for duplicate

BufferedWriter without try method IOException

I know this topic has been discussed a lot and I have already read a lot of posts here about that, but I still seem to have trouble. My problem is that I am al

This time-out error ('TimeOutError') is not being caught

I cannot understand why sometimes I cannot catch the TimeOutError inside my flash_serial_buffer method. When running my program I sometimes get a TimeOutError t

Execute all statements in try/except even after encountering exception [Python]

I'm trying to extract values from JSON input using python. There are many tag that I need to extract and not all JSON files have the same structure as the sourc

Check whether the document exists using Mongodb and Java?

I have created a simple java application as my college mini project in which one of the module I'm allowing users to perform operations like insert, delete, upd

Python: How to try again when experiencing a timeout

I have a Python program that connects to a server to send it some commands, but occasionally I get this error: TimeoutError: [WinError 10060] A connection atte