Category "twitter"

Twitter streaming error, 'invalid length argument'?

The code is as follows; Supplier_List <- data.frame(companies = c("company1","company2","company3")) Streamed_Tweets <- purrr::map_df(Supplier_List$compa

How do I retrieve a user's tweets of last 7 days using twitter API?

I want to pull tweets from an authenticated user's home timeline (user + people the user follows) of past 7 days. How can I do this? The documentation of GET st

Macos - Heroku error code H=10 (Twitter Sales Bot)

I'm facing the problem showing below on HEROKU. I'm using this GitHub Program ( and deployed it 1:1 in He

Is there reason why I always have Tweetinvi.Exceptions.TwitterException: Forbidden error?

I am trying to make Twitter bot which job is to, when run, upload picture of Snoop Dog with quote and few hashtags. Problem is when I run my code, it throws Twe

Twitter monitor output to a Discord server?

Would like to learn how to make a twitter monitor that would output its findings to discord. This is a project I've had in mind for awhile and would like to lea

Strip hashtags from string using JavaScript

I have a string that may contains Twitter hashtags. I'd like to strip it from the string. How should I do this? I'm trying to use the RegExp class but it doesn'

Twitter card image appears in validator but not appearing in any of three tweets below Any Ideas. Thanks. Robert

My test site is Here are the meta details. The validator renders correctly. <!- Twitter Card data --> <meta name="twi

selenium twitter login without new device notification

Is there a way to log in to twitter with selenium/python without getting the notification "login from a new device" on Twitter? Current code is import

Extract particular data from Kafka topic

I'm doing real time streaming on Twitter and wonder is there a way to extract only messages and certain values from Kafka topic?

Create pyFlink DataStream Consumer from Tweets Kafka Producer in Python

I want to create I stream kafka consumer in pyFlink, which can read tweets data after deserialization (json), I have pyflink version 1.14.4 (last version) Can I

How to check if extended entity is present or not in tweepy response

I am able to fetch different tweet parameters from tweet. keyword = tweepy.Cursor(, val,tweet_mode='extended',lang='en').items(2) tweetdone =

How to store data from StreamingClient.filter() or .sample() from the Tweepy Module Twitter API v2

I want to store Tweets that have certain hashtags such as #cats for example. I can pull the 10 most recent Tweets by executing client.search_recent_tweets(query

Get last tweet Twitter api

I try to show the last tweet from a specif user, using the Twitter API. When I try to echo the first result I get an empty page. When I echo my JSON data is see

Tweepy Cursor not reaching its limit

I am coding a Twitter bot which joins giveaways of users that I follow. The problem is that when I use a for loop to iterate over a ItemIterator Cursor of 50 it

Access quoted_status object in Tweepy API.search_tweets

I have trouble in accessing parts of the objects that get returned from Tweepy's search_tweets API. I can easily navigate through most of the objects, but someh

Tweepy for Twitter API v2 - Extracting Additional Fields for Tweet Search

I started playing around with Twitter API v2 in Tweepy. I've had some experience with v1 but it looks like it's changed a bit. I'm trying to search tweets based

Request for oauth_token for Twitter shows "Sorry this page doesn't exist" error

I am sending an API request to get my oauth_token through postman. This is my request: where the

Twitter oAuth using chrome extension

I am working on twitter oauth through chrome extension. I need to get oauth_token to authenticate the user. I am referring to

Making A Cloudflare Worker That Tweets Though My Twitter Developer APIs. Can't Get CryptoJS.HmacSHA1 to Create Signature for Fetch Request

I am making a Cloudflare Worker that Tweets from my Twitter Developer APIs whenever I make a blank GET request to the worker. At first you might think "that's e


We're having a Keycloak with the realm socialBetaTest when I try to initate the Client Initiated Account Linking with the following URL (link with twitter): ht