Category "typescript"

How to change localStorage object-variable to false after a certain amount of time

I have an issue with a project where i need to change an object variable to false and save it to local storage. let animalHtml = // Checking if animal is fed or

Deep find object in tree, then return object and the path to it through the tree

I've written a recursive function to find a given object and the path within that tree, but when I change the target id (over here : if(tree.targetModuleId ===

Structured Logs in Google Cloud Run not being parsed (using Winston for logging)

I'm attempting to format my logs in such a way that Google Cloud will correctly extract the log level. This is running on Cloud Run, with typescript. Cloud Run

Need help calling a function from parent component in angular

Need to call function from app component to ALL child components, I cannot make it work with output, nor emitter, nor viewchild. Parent component import { Compo

Specifying the type for Threejs Object3D.userData in TypeScript

In Three.js there is a field on Object3D class called userData, which in the type declaration file node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts is defined as /**

how to strongly type body of NextApiRequest in Nextjs [duplicate]

wondering how to define the type of body of an API POST Nextjs route in order to benefit from typesafety ? In the NextApiRequest, body is defi

Typescript interface for a nested array of objects

I'm new to Typescript and I have to build an interface for the following props type: const myProps = [ { name: 'name1', on: true, children: [

infinite loop on loading workDays ejs-schedule

I am trying to load working days through a function, I need to load days by calling a function so that I can validate which days it works. For all other parame

How to use React Keycloak?

Did according to examples, but I get an error: http://localhost:3000/#error=login_required&state=19004288-e312-4782-ac23-9dc038cd7bb0 Here is my code: keyc

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'isBatchingLegacy')

I am trying to test a react typescript project using jest but it's giving a confusing error: Error image Here is my package.json: "dependencies": { "@testin

Typescript generic object in array only match the specified Records

Demo: So I have an array with the following definition: Array<{ id?: string; text?: string; date?: Date; }>

vue.js cannot use data property in computed method

I'm trying to use a property of my data in a computed method like this: data() { return { ToDoItems: [ { id: uniqueId("todo-"), label: "Learn

How to keep marker at the bottom of the screen when zooming like google maps?

I was wondering if it is possible to change the default behavior zoom, the default seems to change the viewport in all directions, but I want to keep the bottom

How to access nested conditional type in typescript

The origin of the following autogenerated type is a GraphQL query: export type OfferQuery = { __typename?: 'Query' } & { offer: Types.Maybe< { __ty

React attrs method Typescript

I am getting following warning. I am using typescript. "Over 200 classes were generated for component styled.div with the id of "sc-dkzDqf". Consider using the

Angular Material custom form field doesn't show mat-error

I thought I have almost the same example but somehow the control tricks me :-/ <form [formGroup]="form"> <app-ref-urlcheck [maxLen]="20" formContro

every first react-native component gets typescript error

When I use the Text component of react-native, I get this error: No overload matches this call. Overload 1 of 2, '(props: TextProps | Readonly<TextProps>

electron-forge with two windows : how to render the second window? electron-react app

I realized that the second electron browser window, does actually opens, but it doesn't render correctly. In /tools/forge/forge.config.js I have two entryPoints

Merge two arrays with child elements

I've two arrays as follows and trying to merge with id in this case, menuNo is the id and after that, it'll have a new array with child elements as output. Pare

NextJS - new Date cached on server

i am trying to always get a now Date on my server, but it get a cached date. I use yarn export to upload my files on a hosting server via ftp. My code is: expor