Category "uinavigationcontroller"

MapFragment becomes slow after navigating back to it from a preferencesFragment

I added a Preferences Fragment to an application. I am using an ActionBar drop-down menu to navigate to the Preferences Fragment and also using the ActionBar's

iOS 15 Navigation Bar Transparent

My iOS app uses the storyboard for the UI and uses a custom tint for the background color of the navigation bar. I have tested my app on the Xcode 13 beta 5 and

UIRefreshControl not showing in landscape when in a navigation controller with large titles

I have a plain UITableViewController embedded in a UINavigationController which prefers large titles. I added a refresh control to my table view controller. On

Using UINavigationController to decide which view is currently showing

I would like to know if there is a way to tell which UIViewController is currently showing by using the UINavigationController. I have a delegate in which I ret

Disable swipe back gesture in Swift

Been looking around on here for a while but can't seem to find a working solution. I'm trying to disable the swipe to go back to previous view gesture, in Swif