Category "uniswap"

Web3py swap tokens path of contracts

I'm trying to swap tokens with web3py using the swapExactETHForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens function, with some tokens it works perfectly, in others I ge

How to get all tick ranges with non-zero liquidity to finally calculate Total Value Locked Uniswap V3?

The aim is to calculate the uniswap v3 pool's total value locked (TVL). import json from web3 import Web3 from collections import namedtuple infura_url = 'http

How to calculate Uniswap v3 pool's Total Value Locked (TVL) on chain?

I want to calculate the total value locked in a particular pool in Uniswap v3. I can't use the subgraph API for this. I can get current liquidity / in range li

PancackeswapV2Router swapExactETHForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens: 'Pancake: TRANSFER_FAILED' when "from" equals to "pancackeSwapV2pair"

PancakeSwap is driving me crazy! I have this simple contract: when the token are transferred from someone different from the owner, instead of making the transe

Dai balanceof showing 0 for my address after successful Uniswap swap transaction on Ganache

I am using Ganache to test out real smart contracts and protocols like minting a NFT, Uniswap , AAve etc. When I run a transaction to mint a NFT I am able to se

Adding Liquidity to Pancakeswap in Testnet

I need help with my code. I want to create a simple Smart Contract with adding Liquidity to Pancakeswap. I tried many different things, but the transaction alwa

Learning Uniswap

I was watching the state of the WETH-DAI pool on Ropsten which was (10435607102899899961933, 422393388012675303130025) and its 0.3% fee. So its market maker k =

Uniswap v3 revert after createAndInitializePoolIfNecessary

I use the official deploy tool "successfully" to deploy Uniswap v3 to a EVM comparable testnet. After NonfungiblePositionManager.createAndInitializePoolIfNecess