Category "urlencode"

How do you reconcile the path of a file inside mySQL with the domain name your browser puts in front of it, to view it?

I'm successfully uploading some files to a folder and saving the path in table. If I display the file's path in an html table, hovering over it, the address on

Url decoding problem on deployment with IIS and FastCGI on windows server

I realized an app front Angular, back-end Django, deployed on Windows server using IIS and FastCGI. This app serves media files on a certain URL. It works fine

What is the first parameter of curl_easy_escape for?

The curl_easy_escape function of curl takes a CURL* as its first parameter, as curl’s documentation indicates: char *curl_easy_escape(CURL *curl, const ch

ampersand symbol in url param, after encoding also throwing an error - MVC

In one of my action methods , I do have a parameter "filename", which some times can be a string with ampersand symbol. The problem is when ever we have an ampe

How to avoid double-encoding of [] when using Spring RestTemplate?

I've a Spring Boot 2.2.5 application calling this REST endpoint @RequestMapping(path = "/usable/search") public List<Provider> findUsable( @Request