How to take a tuple of two equal-size lists from user input at a bash terminal from within a python script? Let's assume we want the program to register the fol
while True: print("who is this?") name=input() if name!='shubh': continue print("hi its you shubh. type your password") password=i
I'm trying to get user input and check if the user put in "y" or "n". Surprisingly, in the below code, neither the if nor the if else case executes! Apparently,
Im trying to filter the data frame (stops_trips_vehicles) based on user input - specifying hour (departure_time column) and the stop name(stop_name column). Eac
I need to acess a variable in list for example var1=[Orange,Banana] var2=[Apple,Pear] var3=[Banana,Pear] var4=[Grapes,Orange] var5=[Orange,Apple] user_fruit =
I'm working on an exercise, where I need to create a subclass that has 2 constructors (1 is empty and sets the values as 0 the other one is getting the values.
I am a beginner in programming and I need to write a c# console app that does something (let's suppose writes stars to console) in a loop until user inputs a co
New to Formik and React I've built a search component that I'm having issues with the passing of the input value and rendering the buttons based on input length
I am trying to print out the numbers that user input but i got no idea (example: when user input 2 and 3, it should be show 2+3=5 instead of 5 alone ) also how
I just started my module on php for school, having completed Javascript two months ago I am familiar with a lot of the elements but a bit rusty. Basically I set
Here's an issue that's bedeviling me at the moment. When getting input from the user, I want to employ a loop to ask the user to retry until they enter valid in
I am following this guide: They have hardcoded strings as the email and password. How can I get th
I have a simple console app written in C#. I want to be able to detect arrow key presses, so I can allow the user to steer. How do I detect keydown/keyup even