Category "uuid"

NHibernate: How to insert C# [Guid] into MySQL [BINARY(16) DEFAULT (uuid_to_bin(uuid(),1))] column?

Environment: MySQL Server 8.0, .NET Core 3.1, MySql.Data 8.0.28, NHibernate 5.3.11 I have following table: CREATE TABLE `Master` ( `Row_Id` char(36) NOT NULL

How do I generate a UUID in SAP UI5 code? [duplicate]

I know how to do that in node.js, with npm-managed libraries like uuid. But what's a decent way to do this in browser-based SAP UI5 JavaScript

Generating Class in c# that inherits a generic class which uses type parameter using Telosys code generation tool

I have a need to generate C# code for my Country entity that will inherit from a base Entity class providing stong typed argument to denote the fact that my PK

How to create a UUID template literal type in Typescript?

Did anyone suceed in writing a type for UUID in Typescript using the new template literal types? e.g.: const id:UUID = "f172b0f1-ea0a-4116-a12c-fc339cb451b6" T

Python-3 Minecraft UUID to Username using the Requests library

I am wondering if it is possible to take a minecraft UUID and convert it into the users current username. I know how to get all of there previous usernames, but

Generate destination path before file upload - multer

Trying to make a folder before uploading a file to it. However, there is a problem if I do not update the server on the node when I try to download the file aga

How to mock uuid with Jest

so on my search for an answer to my problem I found this post: Jest: How to globally mock node-uuid (or any other imported module) I already tried the answer b

How To Separate UUids For Jquery-Sortable

I want to use jquery-ui sortable method for my larave project. When i was separate my <tr> rows with id, there is no problem. Example; <tr id="item-1"&

psycopg2: Can't adapt type 'UUID'?

I am using psycopg2 to try to insert an entry into a table where the type of the data is the Postgres type 'uuid'. According to this page, I should be able to

How to create short uuid with Django

I have a model and UUID as primary key field. UUID id is way too long. I'd like to have it short similar to YouTube. class Video(models.Model): id = models

Best practices on primary key, auto-increment, and UUID in RDBMs and SQL databases

We're designing a table for user entity. The only non-trivial requirement is that there should be a permanent URL to the user entity (for example their profile)

Rails + Postgres migration - why am I receiving the error "PG::UndefinedFunction: ERROR: function gen_random_uuid() does not exist"?

One of my Rails migrations uses a uuid as the primary key. The Postgres extension gen_random_uuid() should solve this issue, but I continue to get the error aft

Generating Unique identifier using two strings

I would like to get an idea on how can we generate an unique identifier using two Strings. My requirement here is to generate an unique identifier for a particu

URL safe UUIDs in the smallest number of characters

Ideally I would want something likeäFg4вNгё5, minimum number of visible characters, never mind that they have to b

How to generate a random UUID which is reproducible (with a seed) in Python

The uuid4() function of Python's module uuid generates a random UUID, and seems to generate a different one every time: In [1]: import uuid In [2]: uuid.uuid4(

Laravel str_random() or custom function?

Is the Laravel str_random() function random enough so that I can use it for IDs? For example: str_random(32); This produces a random string of length 32 mad

Laravel UUID generation

I am trying to generate a UUID (not as primary key, just generate one) with the laravel-uuid package. The docs are pretty straightforward, so according to the r

Export and Import documents with UUID from MongoDB Compass Windows Application

Summary How to preserve UUIDs when exporting and importing documents? Export collection as JSON file Drop collection and re-create collection Import JSON file U