Category "uuid"

I want to find UUID in my application. Code gives Problem

Following is my code to get UUID of my PC. I'm finding Error. Pls help me to resolve the errors. I'm getting Error on "ManagementObjectSearcher" & "Manageme

NHibernate: How to insert C# [Guid] into MySQL [BINARY(16) DEFAULT (uuid_to_bin(uuid(),1))] column?

Environment: MySQL Server 8.0, .NET Core 3.1, MySql.Data 8.0.28, NHibernate 5.3.11 I have following table: CREATE TABLE `Master` ( `Row_Id` char(36) NOT NULL

How do I generate a UUID in SAP UI5 code? [duplicate]

I know how to do that in node.js, with npm-managed libraries like uuid. But what's a decent way to do this in browser-based SAP UI5 JavaScript

Generating Class in c# that inherits a generic class which uses type parameter using Telosys code generation tool

I have a need to generate C# code for my Country entity that will inherit from a base Entity class providing stong typed argument to denote the fact that my PK

How to create a UUID template literal type in Typescript?

Did anyone suceed in writing a type for UUID in Typescript using the new template literal types? e.g.: const id:UUID = "f172b0f1-ea0a-4116-a12c-fc339cb451b6" T

Python-3 Minecraft UUID to Username using the Requests library

I am wondering if it is possible to take a minecraft UUID and convert it into the users current username. I know how to get all of there previous usernames, but

Generate destination path before file upload - multer

Trying to make a folder before uploading a file to it. However, there is a problem if I do not update the server on the node when I try to download the file aga

How to mock uuid with Jest

so on my search for an answer to my problem I found this post: Jest: How to globally mock node-uuid (or any other imported module) I already tried the answer b

How To Separate UUids For Jquery-Sortable

I want to use jquery-ui sortable method for my larave project. When i was separate my <tr> rows with id, there is no problem. Example; <tr id="item-1"&

psycopg2: Can't adapt type 'UUID'?

I am using psycopg2 to try to insert an entry into a table where the type of the data is the Postgres type 'uuid'. According to this page, I should be able to

How to create short uuid with Django

I have a model and UUID as primary key field. UUID id is way too long. I'd like to have it short similar to YouTube. class Video(models.Model): id = models

Best practices on primary key, auto-increment, and UUID in RDBMs and SQL databases

We're designing a table for user entity. The only non-trivial requirement is that there should be a permanent URL to the user entity (for example their profile)

Rails + Postgres migration - why am I receiving the error "PG::UndefinedFunction: ERROR: function gen_random_uuid() does not exist"?

One of my Rails migrations uses a uuid as the primary key. The Postgres extension gen_random_uuid() should solve this issue, but I continue to get the error aft

Generating Unique identifier using two strings

I would like to get an idea on how can we generate an unique identifier using two Strings. My requirement here is to generate an unique identifier for a particu

URL safe UUIDs in the smallest number of characters

Ideally I would want something likeäFg4вNгё5, minimum number of visible characters, never mind that they have to b

How to generate a random UUID which is reproducible (with a seed) in Python

The uuid4() function of Python's module uuid generates a random UUID, and seems to generate a different one every time: In [1]: import uuid In [2]: uuid.uuid4(

Laravel str_random() or custom function?

Is the Laravel str_random() function random enough so that I can use it for IDs? For example: str_random(32); This produces a random string of length 32 mad

Laravel UUID generation

I am trying to generate a UUID (not as primary key, just generate one) with the laravel-uuid package. The docs are pretty straightforward, so according to the r

Export and Import documents with UUID from MongoDB Compass Windows Application

Summary How to preserve UUIDs when exporting and importing documents? Export collection as JSON file Drop collection and re-create collection Import JSON file U