Category "uwp"

Crash of UWP's HID library

I am developing a UWP application to work with HID devices. The application is working correctly almost all the time. But it often crashes when I close or colla

What is the difference between MAUI and Uno Platform?

I'm a little confused. Can anyone explain exactly what the difference is between the two? When should we use MAUI and when UNO? As I realized, both can run on d

Bluetooth Service Solicitation in Windows UWP

I am trying to connect to my iPhone and access services such as the battery level and ANCS from windows. I have tried out the Advertisement watcher and query bu

Converting String to Stream

So I am trying to serialize and deserialize an IReadOnlyList<InkStroke> from Windows.UI.Input.Inking for my UWP app, and I have used the following code to

x:bind and data validation for numeric field

I'm struggling a bit with UWP, x:Bind and data validation. I've got a very simple use case: I want the user to input an int in a TextBox and display the number

How to make a circle type buffer around NetTopologySuite Point with radius in N meters?

I have to draw a circle with N meters diameter around some geolocation. I could able to generate coordinates for vertically oriented ellipse only. C# using NetT