Category "validation"

Check Textbox text is excel valid formula and use that function to calculate in VBA without storing any value in excel sheet

I am trying to learn EXCEL VBA. One of the tasks I am stuck with is how to verify textbox1.text is valid excel formula. I tried Worksheetfunction.isfunction(use

Google Sheets - Removing the used items from drop-down lists

In Google Sheets I have a column containing a list of available Serial Numbers (say, column A). Somewhere else (say, column B) a user must choose the serial num

Auto clear dependent data validation in Google Sheets

I have a Google sheet where I’m using a dependent drop down for users to select one option and then select a second option depending on their first choice

Validate Requests in NSwag generated Client

I have a .NET 6 Webclient and REST Contract, that is generated from a YAML with NSwag. The contract contains some validation properties. Is there any way to val

How to remove required field in checkout

How to change the required field to an optional field on the checkout page that can be enabled and disabled from the backend like a middle name?

How to avoid duplicate elements in slice in json validation?

Although I am not a pro-Golang developer, I am trying to restrict the duplicate elements from my array in struct during JSON validation. type Test struct { Test

Puppet validate lookup of ip address with port eg

I am performing a lookup as a top scope variable in a Puppet manifest for values that will contain a concatenated IP address and port, e.g., I kno

yup date validation - Start Date must not be same as end date

I am currently stuck on how to do validation with yup for same date. Currently I am able to validate if endDate is not before startDate using : schema = yup.obj

How can go-validator check fields against their zero value?

I'm trying to use and need to ensure that user configuration has an inner struct populated (i.e. not Zero) while stil

Accessibility error in offcanvas element in Joomla site

I have a problem with a validation error to (Joomla 3.9.10 - yootheme template0 which

HTML - how to clear data validation once error has been removed

I am making a cloud page and have set an alphabetic data validation in html which is working fine in that a user cannot enter anything other than letters. The i

Fasterer yields "Calling argumentless methods within blocks is slower than using symbol to proc" within my validations. How to solve it?

I am coding my own ERP. For the People (model class) I have the following validations: class People < ApplicationRecord # some code for N:M relations #

How i can get list valid prefix mobile phone from all country, including operator name?

I need to save into database list of prefix valid sms mobile phone number including operator name from "ALL COUNTRY". For example: PREFIX: +62812 COUNTRY: INDON

Object validation - How to validate [key: number]: string

I'm trying to write validator for JSON returned from Bugzilla API. When I'm fetching comments data, I'm getting something like this: curl https://bugzilla.mozil

How to generate Pydantic model for multiple different objects

I need to have a variable covars that contains an unknown number of entries, where each entry is one of three different custom Pydantic models. In this case, ea

How Do I Uploading Data Externally in Explainerdashboard

I am trying to upload external data into the dashboard using explainer.set_x_row_func() and explainer.set_y_func(). Does anyone know how to do this? Below is ho

Input field validation in React Js?

I am having a variable (in real app it is api) called data which contains value as nested items. From the level 1 it has title which is displayed already then

FromRequest Validation for Get Method is not working -Laravel

I am doing request validation using FormRequest Method. I am using GET method. All things seems correct but validation is not working. My Controller use App\Ht

React - react-final-form validation

I have a question regarding react-final form error message when using record-level validation. I have the following field present within FormFilterFields compon

Why do not work @Validated in spring boot 2.6.2

I have in my pom file: <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-validati