Category "vault"

How to create a Hashicorp Vault user using Terraform

I am trying to create a Vault user in Terraform but can't seem to find the appropriate command to do so. I've searched the Terraform Registry and also performed

Quarkus : How to disable/mock Vault for unit testing

I'm currently facing an issue with Quarkus and Vault. When I launch JUnit tests, Vault trying to start and it failed because Vault configuration is not setup to

hashicorp Vault : " Error initializing listener of type tcp: error loading TLS cert " Where is my mistake?

I try to run Vault with docker-compose on Virtual machine ubuntu 20.04 ( ip : ). Without the https, already works fine, but when I try to put vault

Best way to connect spring boot application to VAULT using LDAP authentication method

I am trying to connect my Java application to Enterprise Vault using LDAP authentication method. spring won't provide a direct way to connect with like it provi

minio kes and Hashicorp vault using docker-compose

I want to use KES and Hashicorp vault to encrypt files in minio. Without using docker, I managed to encrypt files using these servers. My problem is that I want