Category "vba"

How to speed up code to search many sheets

I have active sheet open (Sheet1). I want to pick a value from C column then go through each workbook and within each workbook there are many sheets. If that va

Create a new tab, copy data from another tab, and paste the data (with formatting) in the new tab

I have a tab called "Overview" where it asks me for the name of a project. Once I write the project name, I want a macro to grab the project name, create a new

Check Textbox text is excel valid formula and use that function to calculate in VBA without storing any value in excel sheet

I am trying to learn EXCEL VBA. One of the tasks I am stuck with is how to verify textbox1.text is valid excel formula. I tried Worksheetfunction.isfunction(use

Referencing cells from other sheets

I am trying to extract data from different sheets in a summary sheet. The referencing does not work. Sub Summary_LPI() Dim wkSht As Worksheet, wsC As Workshe

Change date values and retain format

I want to replace a repeating year of dates in a column. I started with a nested for loop in a single module, then I changed the code to be used for each sheet

Inserting a row in a Word table from Excel

I have an Excel spreadsheet that contains information to be put into a Word invoice template. I am able to populate header details, such as client name, address

Add Border Color to all tables Powerpoint VBA

Trying to add a border color to all tables in Powerpoint and failing. I'm not very good at this. Sub SetTableBorder() Dim oShp As Shape Dim oTbl As Table Dim oS

jso.numfields not returning anything within Excel VBA while connecting to PDF file

So I am trying to write a VBA Macro in Excel that will loop through all 400+ .pdf files I have in a folder, extract pertinent data from them, and store that dat

How do I select a slicer option based on the slicer item number if my pivot table is based on a data model?

I have this data table that updates everyday with new data and the pivot table and slicer refresh automatically through a macro. Now, I wanted to write a macro

How to insert when pasting column?

In a worksheet I would like to copy and paste columns with a button. It should copy two columns and insert them in the first free column that it can find. For e

Worksheet_Change Event only when call value changes

I want the user's name and the date to be entered into a specified column when any change is made. I also have a snippet of code that forces any data that is pa

Trimming site names

I'm trying to trim any combination of a webname to just Example 3.htt:// I want to outpu

Sorting responses into categories

I have a raw data sheet and am trying to process nps scores from the emergency department (ANE) versus all others. I am counting the values and transferring the

How to Add Default List from Dropdown using Excel VBA then Do something when a Submit button is clicked

How do I put default values on my dropdown? I tried view code but I'm not sure how to or what codes should I put in there. I tried DropDown7.List = Array("Link

Excel: Force recalculate on save

I have a simple macro that returns the date of the last save of the current document: Function LastSavedTimeStamp() As Date LastSavedTimeStamp = INT(ActiveWor

Use Wildcards in Replace Function in combination with 2D Array Values

I'm trying to go through a list with two columns and replace some of the text in the second column. I want to search for values using wildcards in combination w

How to find and replace the column name?

I am trying to find and replace the column name. I want to loop in the first row only but my code loops the entire sheet. Dim sht As Worksheet Dim fndList As V

How to copy and paste data, in lots of 200, from horizontal to vertical?

I am trying to copy and paste data from horizontal to vertical from sheet1 to sheet3 in a lots of 200. Say I have a list of 600 tickers. The code will copy the

Populate date based on combobox selection

I have two items in ComboBox1, one is Cardio Only and second is Gym Only. I want to auto populate Renew Date in TextBox8 based on Combobox1 selection. e.g. If I

Sharepoint Locking Error when xlsm is Uploaded via VBA .SaveAs

I have this awesome vba macro that takes a template xlsm file saved on a shared drive and automatically uploads the file saved as with tomorrows date in the tit