Category "visual-studio"

Visual Studio Extension Menu Group Visibility

Please go easy on me, I am new to Visual Studio Extension development, but inherited a sizable project. It targets VS2015-2019. Within it, I have a menu group (

Visual Studio 2022 ASP.NET Core 6 Default application and Add folder to workspace in Chrome DevTools is not working anymore

After some update to either Visual Studio (I have the same issue in both VS2019 and VS2022) or Chrome I can no longer update the CSS in DevTools and have it ref

Visual Studio CLI cant install specific NuGet package version

I am in Visual Studio 2019, and when I open the package manager console, I can run: nuget install MartinTestPkgXYZ which will succeed and install the latest ver

Error Unabled to add User controls to a form

I get these two error messages, when trying to add a User Control to a Form. Worked fine for long, no problems. Now the Design won't show the already added User

How to install specific version of Visual Studio 2022

I want to install a specific version of Visual Studio, but don't know how, specifically version 17.0. All my search result is just release notes, can't install.

Visual Studio typescript errors but webpack builds fine and no red squiggles in editor

I'm getting many of the following errors when in the Visual Studio (not VS Code) Error list: Cannot find module '../../dataStructures'. Did you mean to set the

CTRL+D doesn't work in Visual Studio 2022

CTRL+D (duplicates) It doesn't work in visual studio 2022 , How to change Ctrl+E,V To CTRL+D ?

How to set pre build in visual studio via pipelining

at the moment i have the following command in the prebuild block: prebuild My plan is to run this command before building and use the output via pipelining for

masm directive option prologue:none has no effect

I'm learning how to use masm using MS's official docs, but there's almost nothing written on the option directive (

How can I open multiple browser instances in selenium in c#?

I want my program to open multiple browser instances at once and perform actions. But I ran into a problem, which is that all actions are performed in turn. I h

Visual studio 2022 highly used memory

I working with Visual Studio2022 and blazor .net 6 when i worked after 1 hour visual studio highly used memory and crashed on my pc (windows server 2019).

Tensorflow is partially imported

When I run a script and import Tensorflow from cmd or Visual Studio Code it throws me the error but when I run it from Anaconda prompt or Spyder it works well.

Do a Raycast after Raycast-positioned object

I have a code that allows to position an object onto the other object by Raycast. Obviously, I am using Mesh Collider so everything works fine. Ray ray = new Ra

How to open a C# call stack (string) in Visual Studio 2019 Professional?

OK, suppose I have a C# string for a callstack for a runtime Exception (copied to the clipboard from Azure Application Insights - but it could be from everywher

How can I get the the Microsoft Access Database Application Title via C#

I need to get the Application Title from an access database via C#. I have seen some samples using Office VBA: I.E:

Visual studio 2022 crash on start debugging

Can anyone help me find why my visual studio 2022 crash everytime I start debugging? If I only run app it works fine. Also I have visual studio 2019 on the same

Checking for any code updates Visual Studio 2019 and 2022

Sometimes (often) I am getting the message Checking for any code updates during debugging: This makes productivity down. I did some research and find a post on

Why am I getting this error/warning whenever I try to use MediaPicker.PickPhotoAsync?

Whenever I use the following code in order to select a photo from my Library using my iOS simulator I get an error/warning. The image is then selected and shown

Trying center a tower on tilemap

Iam making a placement system using tilemaps, its almost done but have a small problem. Placement System As you can see the tower never be on middle of tiles, i

Why folders in VS 2019 shows red cross 'X'?

My Observation: Its for empty folders or for empty folder hierarchy. If I add the folder again then cross is removed. (I have re-sharper installed, and don't k