Category "visual-studio-2022"

Visual studio 2022 how to auto complete only on tab?

Right now, visual studio 2022 will auto complete on a whole bunch of characters that I use in normal coding, such as ( and space.If i for example intend to crea

Get Visual Studio 2022 'Go to' to exclude node_modules

When using the 'Go to' feature in VS 2022 (ctrl + ,) how can I get VS to ignore the node_modules folder. Note that the node_modules folder is already marked as

After updating Visual Studio 2022, projects no longer under Git control

Ran Visual Studio Installer for the following: Added 'Desktop Development with C++' Updated VS to the latest version 17.1.4 Now when I load any project, it is n

$(TargetPath) for WiX project is incorrect for the post-build event

I'm using $(TargetPath) for post-build event for my WiX installer, that is built under VS 2022, and it is translated to: C:\projects\My project\Installer\instal

c# check value at design time

Is there any way, perhaps by use of Contracts, to check whether a variable's value conforms to some rules during design time in Visual Studio 2022? I.e. int is

Visual studio window sometimes hard to restore from being minimized

When I have a visual studio window that is minimized, clicking its button in the taskbar sometimes makes nothing happen. I can click as many times as I want and

VisualStudio2022 can't navigate from compile error to source

I'm using VisualStudio 2022 community to develop linux program. The cross-platform compile do works and compile outputs shows Output view well. But when double

Creating a (.NET 6 based) website project with ASP.NET Core and React (TypeScript) in Visual Studio 2022?

I have been trying to set up an ASP.NET Core + React (TypeScript) web app project in Visual Studio 2022, but couldn't succeed in doing so. There are no proper s

Auto Save in Visual Studio 2022

Is there an Auto Save feature in Visual Studio 2022? The article here says it is. But for me I dont see it. Is it removed in Preview? Or I am missing something?

Scaffold-DbContext runs successfully but does not create any models

I am using Visual Studio community edition 2022 and trying to update my Models from database in EntityFrameworkCore 6 (I added new tables and modified some). Wh

Publishing WPF application fails du to unauthorized .NuGet service index (Azure DevOps)

I want to publish one of my WPF applications (to a folder). The app needs some NuGet packages that I published via Azure Devops. I signed in with Visual Studio

SDL_image failing to initialise

When I try and initialise IMG or use IMG_Load, I get the error: "IMG_Init: Failed loading libpng16-16.dll: The specified module could not be found." From what I

Strange GIT behaviour in VS2022 - Shows error but still completes action

I'm having a strange problem with Git i VS2022 and VS2019. When I Push, fetch or pulls I get a error saying "failed to fetch from the remote repository. see the

[VS2019/2022]How exactly {ServicePort} in the Docker-Compose project works and can be configured?

How to use other service in the Docker-Compose to be paired with the {ServicePort}? I only want a web-server(like Nginx) service to be exposed. How can I point

the project doesn't know how to run the profile ConsoleApp

I just downloaded Visual Studio 2022 (Although I much preferred 2019 but can't find it) and as soon as I open a simple "Hello World" project and try to run it,

Linux Azure web app service remote debugging

The only known way to debug a Linux Azure web app is to create a TCP tunnel between your machine and Azure which is explained here. I am able to create the tunn

How to change Visual Studio 2022 IDE icons?

Is there a way to change icons that are used withing the Visual Studio 2022 IDE? I tried looking for DLL files or image files containing the icons I want to cha

How to Go To Source Code Definition (not Metadata) from C# to F# in Visual Studio?

I have a small C# Console Application that has a F# Project Reference. using System; namespace ConsoleApp1 { class Program { static void Main(s

VB.NET Core 6, Hashing password in (Win form) using SHA512 - Visual Basic

I am trying to build an application where security and encryption are a high concern. I am using Visual Studio 2022 and VB.NET 6.0 (I searched for 3 days now an

Git has stopped working after installing VS 2022

After installing the new Visual Studio 2022 the built-in Git support has suddenly stopped working. For one of the projects I am seeing only a submodule instead