Category "visual-studio-code"

Assign Ctrl+Y to Redo in VSCode

I'm currently having some trouble trying to assign any additional keybindings to the Normal Mode while using the VIM extension for VSCode. Any ideas on how to p

a python console application executed from within vscode integrated terminal not allowing arrow keys to select list items

I have a file Running the file pops up a dialog with a list of menu items on the terminal to select from. I cannot traverse the menu items using key

VS code c++: "exited with code=3221225785"

I'm a complete novice to VS code, and I've only been coding with C++ for around a month. I tried this bare bones program to make sure things were set up correct

Deploying Azure WebJob from Visual Studio Code

In Visual Studio, you can deploy a WebJob to Azure easily by right-clicking on the project and select publish. Visual Studio detects that is a Worker Service an

In Visual Studio code, if I'm in the search widget, how do I make the escape key give editor focus WITHOUT closing the widget?

Is there a way to modify the shortcuts so pressing escape in the find widget (the red dot) gives the editor (the green dot) focus without closing the find widg

How can I remove unnecessary lines from terminal in vs code?

When i run c file in vs code it shows like this.(Highlighted from screenshot) Highlighted text

the popup menu coming on right click disappears instantly in vscode

I just started using Vscode on Ubuntu 18.0. I have the following problem. When I try to copy a particular line, when I click the right-click button on my mouse,

Vs Code Small Guide

Whenever i write code in Dart in Vscode It shows me guide about stuff I don't want to see How can I get rid if this annoying guide

How to make ctrl word end or start recognize underscore

In vscode, ctrl + arrow will not stop at an underscore. Is there any way to change this behaviour, or is there a shortcut to select characters between two under

Unit Testing Works in VSCode on Windows but not Linux

I'm having trouble debugging Xunit unittests in .NET6 running on Ubuntu 20.04 in VSCode (1.66.2). These run in VisualStudio and VSCode in Windows. I can run (no

Connectivity from VSCode to C3 Training Cloud Portal

New to C3 & started with Data Integrator training. I was trying to connect the cloud portal through my VSCode in local. I’m using the same details of

How to add a GitHub personal access token to Visual Studio Code

I received an email saying GitHub will require token authentication after August 13 2021. I want to ensure I don't have an interruption of service (push/pull) a

What am I doing wrong with my include path?

I'm new to C++, and am learning using a Mac and VSCode. I'm getting an error with my include statement: #include "glfw3.h" fatal error: 'glfw3.h' file not found

Mac doesn't read pytube package

I've a problem while making a YouTube downloader with pytube. I installed the package with pip3 install pytube python3 -m pip install pytube And I have python3

Error: Cannot find module './candy-machine-cli.ts'

I'm following a YouTube video about NFT minting and when I enter this: ts-node js/packages/cli/src/candy-machine-cli.ts upload ./assets --env devnet --keypair

How to save ssh password to vscode?

I am using vscode to connect to a remote host. I use Remote-SSH (ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh) extension to do so. Every time I want to connect to the remote hos

Pod install error on M1 Mac - Flutter project with native code like shared_preferences

I'm on a MacBook Pro M1 (and before someone says well it's because of M1 or something else, I've been programming with Flutter and M1 for weeks but then I must

How do I correct syntax highlight in VS Code for PHP 8.1 Enum Class?

My Code: namespace App\Enum; enum HomeStatus: string { case RENT = 'rent'; case MOVE_IN = 'move_in'; case SOLD = 'sold'; case COMING_SOON = 'co

Angular debugger won't continue

This has been going on for some months but we are really getting anoyed by it. So in the summer of 2020, we upgraded our packages in our angular project and all

Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(Failed to run model, Interpreter busy, java.lang.RuntimeException: Interpreter busy

I am trying to create an android application utilizing the MoveNet model from TFlite. The application is built but the following message occurs. The widgets are