Category "visual-studio-code"

how to debug target from administrator with remote SSH vscode?

I'm wondering how to instruct vscode to launch debugging executable on target (Windows) with admin priveledge while debugging with remote SSH extension?

Visual Studio Code Account Not Loading

My vscode account won't load, this means: emmet stops working, I can't use github remote repositories(I use my github account), Intellisense doesn't work and my

Visual Studio Code does not show variable color or problems anymore

About 4 days ago, while I was doing my schoolwork I noticed that the variable colors don't turn blue like they used to, and it does not show me problems in the

how to import vscode path

I am receiving the following error from vscode when i try to edit a go file: "Error loading workspace: You are outside of a module and outside of $GOPATH/src. I

Creating spark application with VSCode - Synapse PySpark installation error - Exit with non zero 3221225477

I am on windows and I am trying to follow this doc to create spark applications with VSCode using a Synapse workspace. I can sign into Azure and set a default S

VScode change appearance of intellisense popup

On the website for Tailwind CSS there is a video of someone editing in vscode. How did they get the popup to look like that? Can I reproduce it some how? For t

.tsx files throw errors while .js files work fine

in react-native, when I try to pass parameters to functions/components/etc, typescript files will always complain and it won't work until I have specified the t

Allow Docker Container & Host User To Write on Bind Mounted Host Directory

Any help from any source is appreciated. Server has a Docker container with alpine, nginx, php. This container is able to write in bind mounted host directory,

VSCode: How to fix Python extension version for Python 2 compatibility and prevent automatic upgrade?

I have a legacy code using Python 2. The last version of VSCode Python extension that supports Python 2 is v2022.2.1924087327 It is very easy to change the exte

Using plantuml within a markdown document

At the moment I am trying to make a presentation using markdown. In order to include an UML diagram I want to use PlantUML. The code is written in the document

VSCode using relative paths in build task on remote set up

I'm trying to add a build task to build the current file, just a simple "make path/to/file.o". I'm using vscode on windows 10 over a remote SSH connection to l

jsconfig.json gives ts errors

I am having jsconfig.json in my root directory using Nuxt.js project. And I am having an error: File '/home/mike/Documents/nuxt/node_modules/dotenv/types' not f

Is there a way to make VSCode show errors for unresolved types in .d.ts files?

I love working with TypeScript in VSCode and seeing all the errors automatically pop up with red underlining. I even set "typescript.tsserver.experimental.enabl

macOS llvm can't find stdio.h anymore

I come to you with a weird problem I've been facing. So last week, I installed llvm and libomp for a C project, and it compiled just fine with this at the start

use getpass in visual studio code

I am using this code: import getpass pwd = getpass.getpass(prompt = 'Please enter password:') Unfortunatley I cannot enter anything in the terminal. Am I miss

Rendering strange in vscode terminal with oh my posh v3

I have optimized my terminal with oh-my-posh v3. It works fine in last vscode version and also in windows terminal, but seems strange in current vscode. VS Code

How can I enable tailwind intelliSense outside of "className"?

I'm using the tailwind CSS intellisense vscode extension, and it seems to only work when typing inside a className property. I'm using a package called cntl ht

Exceeded language worker restart retry count for runtime:node. Shutting down and proactively recycling the Functions Host to recover

I am currently trying to do the MS tutorial on Azure serverless webapps, but I am completely stuck. Whenever I try to start the sample, (be it by pressing F5 to

Assign Ctrl+Y to Redo in VSCode

I'm currently having some trouble trying to assign any additional keybindings to the Normal Mode while using the VIM extension for VSCode. Any ideas on how to p

a python console application executed from within vscode integrated terminal not allowing arrow keys to select list items

I have a file Running the file pops up a dialog with a list of menu items on the terminal to select from. I cannot traverse the menu items using key