Category "visual-studio-code"

Why typescript keep giving me No inputs were found in config file error?

Why typescript keep giving me No inputs were found in config file error? When I use tsconfig.json in vscode, but when I try to build it, it gives me a 'No input

Open terminal by default

Is there a way to open terminal by default in VSCode? I saw the questions here four years ago - VS Code - How to have Terminal pane open by default? not sure if

Visual Studio Code - How to display variable values inline during debugging?

When I debug Javascript code in VS code or visual studio code, I would like it to show me the values of the variables alongside the code. How to make VS code do

Live server installed but not working in VS code

I have installed the live server extension but the browser does not update after I save my HTML or other files. What might be causing a problem?

Error: [core/no-app] No Firebase App '[DEFAULT]' has been created - call Firebase.initializeApp()

I am building a Flutter application and I have integrated Firebase, but I keep getting this error when I click on the login button. I have come across people wi

VSCode, Perforce: "SOURCE CONTROL No source control providers registered."

I'm using VSCode x64 on Win10 x64, and desire to use Perforce with it. I have a Perforce installation on the same machine that already works with both local and

Can VSCode interact with the kernel of current Jupyter notebook?

In VSCode, a script with: #%% a = 3 creates a Jupyter cell. Running the cell starts Jupyter server and evaluates the code in Python Interactive window. I wo

VSCode make Ctrl+click "file, line" in terminal function like Ctrl+click "file:line"

I have a linter that I run in vscode's terminal. It shows errors in this form: file, line When I ctrl+click on the file, vscode will go to the beginning of the

Can I use UnrealEngine with C++ on Mac without Xcode

I am new to Unreal Engine as well as game development. I am using mac (since this laptop is not my personal usage, I have a limitation of using any application

Is there a way to remove unused imports for Python in VS Code?

I would really like to know if there is some Extension in Visual Studio Code or other means that could help identify and remove any unused imports. I have quit

How to force prettier html formatting to format tags in one line?

I use prettier in my VSC, so how to force prettier HTML formatting to format tags in one line, not multiple lines? I want to format something like this all in

enabling pylint_django plugin in vscode, pylint stop working

That's my user settings in vscode { "python.pythonPath": "/Users/cristiano/miniconda3/envs/django-rest-2/bin/python", "python.linting.pylintEnabled": true,

React, Emmet, Visual Studio Code, and CSS-Modules

Is there a way to configure emmet in visual studio code to use React's CSS modules? When I type... div.container and hit tab, it becomes <div className="con

how to create java project with command?

I'm a beginner, when I create a java project using the command pallate in vscode ctrl-shift-p -> java: Creat java project, only created the lib, src and read

How to prevent Run/Debug window to show whenever I start debugging in VSCode

Whenever I start debugging my node.js project that run/debug window auto expands. Then I manually have to hide it (ctrl/cmd+B). This interrupts my flow whenever

Visual Studio Code Snippets

I am just wondering how do I create my own custom snippets in visual studio code to make my workflow more productive. This one is specifically for linking my bo

Failed to connect to the remote extension host server (Error: Handler already set!)

I went to open a repo using Vs Code on a remote ssh host. I can ssh in successfully but when I try to open a repo I get Failed to connect to the remote extensio

How to set java classpath in Visual Studio Code (v 1.27.2)?

I am new to Visual Studio Code for Java development and I had a workspace open yesterday for testing. Now when restarting Visual Studio today, I get a "Classpat

How to set java classpath in Visual Studio Code (v 1.27.2)?

I am new to Visual Studio Code for Java development and I had a workspace open yesterday for testing. Now when restarting Visual Studio today, I get a "Classpat

Another Maven "Source option 6 is no longer supported. Use 7 or later."

I see lots of answers to this question but they don't work for me. I installed Visual Studio Code, latest version of Java and Maven on my PC and I was able to s