Category "visual-studio-code"

"Cannot find symbol" error when creating an instance of an object

I'm new to using maven and have a Project where I'm trying to create an instance of an object but keep getting the error: error: cannot find symbol Comm

How to change indent guide line color between brackets in VSCODE?

I would like to change the color of the line between 2 brackets. Actually, I want this Here is what I would like Does anyone know how to do that? Many T

Why when I create launch.json file in VScode, it is empty?

I am trying to use VScode for c++ programming and I wanted to learn debugging. When in run and debug section I click the link create a launch.json file, it is c

VS Code 'git mv' to preserve file history?

Is there any way in VS Code to change a file's name so that the file history is preserved in git, and it doesn't think the tracked file's been deleted? I'm hopi

ImportError: No module named _thread

Compiling python2 in vscode gives an error. But when I compile python3 it succeeds. print('test') returns: ImportError: No module named _thread PS C:\source>

Run VSCode JS debug launch configuration from integrated terminal

Currently when there's a need to debug a JS one could create a debug configuration, go to debug tab and hit play on the chose launch configuration. Is it possib

Adding text alongside images in markdown in Github

Context :- So, I am trying to write for my latest github repo. Issue :- I am trying to add images in .md file which looks like conversations. I am try

Candy Machine - Unable to upload files

I am following a tutorial and am on the step where we are uplaoding the metadata and files. The tutorial tells me to use the the following command: npx ts-node

VS Code - Drag image from Explorer pane into markdown file and drop as path

In Visual Studio Code, from the Explorer pane, how can I drag a PNG file from my images folder and drop it in place in a markdown file, so that VS Code inserts

How to customize the touch bar in visual studio code?

Looking in the conventional place: View -> Customize Touch Bar... The option is not present. Is this option not currently available? I'd like to disable most

VSCode - In the debugger what is the difference between: Raised Exceptions, Uncaught Exceptions and User Uncaught Exceptions?

VSCode - In the debugger what is the difference between: Raised Exceptions, Uncaught Exceptions and User Uncaught Exceptions? So in the bottom left of VScode wh

"Could not locate MSBuild instance to register with OmniSharp" but msbuild is installed

Due to the third party system we work against, I have to use .Net 2.1, which has worked fine until recently. I develop on Fedora with latest updates and VSCode

Google Chrome not redirecting to VScode after authorizing with Github

The application “Google Chrome” does not have permission to open “vscode://vscode.github-authentication/did-authenticate?windowid=3&code=x

Run JavaScript in Visual Studio Code

Is there a way to execute JavaScript and display the results using Visual Studio Code? For example, a script file containing: console.log('hello world'); I

Could not locate MSBuild instance to register with OmniSharp

I have found many questions about this but non have helped me. I am trying to write c# code and the omnisharp auto complete doesn't work and I get this back fro

VSCode C++ Compiled exe was infected with Win32:TrojanX-gen[Trj]

I am setting up VSCode for C++, made some simple code (test.cpp) to test if things are working. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){

Import pandas could not be resolved from source Pylance(reportMissingModuleSource)

I've been trying to use the packages pandas, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn in my "Visual Studio Code", but the program keeps showing me the following message: "im

command 'python.execSelectionInTerminal' not found

I am a beginner just shifted from jupyter to vs-code, whenever I try to run my code, I get: "command 'python.execSelectionInTerminal' not found" I have tried:

VIsual Studio Code error cannot open output file main.exe

This is my first project with Visual Studio Code. When i go to run my "Hello World" project I get this cd "c:\Users\imaco\Desktop\Cpppractice" && g++ ma

Error with Gradle using VS Code: "Could not run build action using Gradle distribution"

I've started getting the following error message when opening an existing Gradle project in VS Code after upgrading the Gradle installation on my computer: Cou