I am trying to use VScode for c++ programming and I wanted to learn debugging. When in run and debug section I click the link create a launch.json file, it is c
Is there any way in VS Code to change a file's name so that the file history is preserved in git, and it doesn't think the tracked file's been deleted? I'm hopi
Compiling python2 in vscode gives an error. But when I compile python3 it succeeds. print('test') returns: ImportError: No module named _thread PS C:\source>
Currently when there's a need to debug a JS one could create a debug configuration, go to debug tab and hit play on the chose launch configuration. Is it possib
Context :- So, I am trying to write readme.md for my latest github repo. Issue :- I am trying to add images in .md file which looks like conversations. I am try
I am following a tutorial and am on the step where we are uplaoding the metadata and files. The tutorial tells me to use the the following command: npx ts-node
In Visual Studio Code, from the Explorer pane, how can I drag a PNG file from my images folder and drop it in place in a markdown file, so that VS Code inserts
Looking in the conventional place: View -> Customize Touch Bar... The option is not present. Is this option not currently available? I'd like to disable most
VSCode - In the debugger what is the difference between: Raised Exceptions, Uncaught Exceptions and User Uncaught Exceptions? So in the bottom left of VScode wh
Due to the third party system we work against, I have to use .Net 2.1, which has worked fine until recently. I develop on Fedora with latest updates and VSCode
The application “Google Chrome” does not have permission to open “vscode://vscode.github-authentication/did-authenticate?windowid=3&code=x
Is there a way to execute JavaScript and display the results using Visual Studio Code? For example, a script file containing: console.log('hello world'); I
I have found many questions about this but non have helped me. I am trying to write c# code and the omnisharp auto complete doesn't work and I get this back fro
I am setting up VSCode for C++, made some simple code (test.cpp) to test if things are working. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){
I've been trying to use the packages pandas, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn in my "Visual Studio Code", but the program keeps showing me the following message: "im
I am a beginner just shifted from jupyter to vs-code, whenever I try to run my code, I get: "command 'python.execSelectionInTerminal' not found" I have tried:
This is my first project with Visual Studio Code. When i go to run my "Hello World" project I get this cd "c:\Users\imaco\Desktop\Cpppractice" && g++ ma
I've started getting the following error message when opening an existing Gradle project in VS Code after upgrading the Gradle installation on my computer: Cou
My VS Code frequently shows an error, something like "Error: cannot read property 'name' of undefined". The 'ESLint' tag in the status bar also shows up in red
I would like my material-icon-theme to recognize files as docker-compose-*.yml as docker files, however the command below does not work in my settings.json "mat