I am using vitejs to compile my react app statically, however after build .env imports become undefined which is not the case on development stage. reading the
I am dynamic importing 9 images but the site crash with these err messages Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: error loading dynamically imported Script from &ldq
I need to config server port for Nuxt3. I try to do it so: nuxt.config.ts import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt3' export default defineNuxtConfig( vite: {
Is it possible to enable sourcemaps in Vue-Vite in production environment? I would like to use it for Bugsnag. Can't find anything about it in the docs. In dev
My code has some .js and .jsx files that use Mobx decorators. I tried adding the babel plugin, but it seems that it's being ignored. My vite config is import {
I want to load environment variables from the .env file using Vite I used the import.meta.env object as mentioned in Docs .env file: TEST_VAR=123F when trying
How can I config Vite build to output with script type="text/javascript" I'm using Vite 2.7.2, when finished building the code in HTML output the script tag as
I'm trying to load a company font from a node_modules folder which only includes fonts and icons, it was working locally. At first, I thought it was because Vit
I use vite, ts and vue3. Now I want to use qs.stringfy() to build a url's query, but it panic. I use yarn add @types/qs to add qs. My code like this import
I'm trying to run a simple vue.js app. My setup is a vue.js 3 app with vite, built according to the tutorial on the official website. (https://vitejs.dev/guide/
We have a vanilla Vue/Vite setup and I'm receiving TypeError: Failed to fetch dynamically imported module on sentry logs. It seems like the errors are correlate
how i can set redirect by pattern by Vite? Example site up on http://localhost:3000/ I request image like this http://localhost:3000/2a84a6ddfd2c.png or http:
I'm using Vite. How to generate a build that exports each file type to its own folder? I need an output similar to this: /dist /styles/*.c
I've created a brand new project with npm init vite bar -- --template vue. I've done an npm install web3 and I can see my package-lock.json includes this packag
I am currently trying to switch my laravel project from laravel-mix to something like Vitejs. I followed the tutorial available here: https://owenconti.com/post
How to get information from git about current branch, commit date and other when using Vite bundler?
How can I debug while using --host option on Vue 3 Vite so I can debug my phone instance for example. At the moment Im using visual studio code plugin "Vite" la
The build with Vite and Vue works like a charm (so ist the path correct). However, it does not with storybook. Here my config: vite.config.js import { defineCon
I want to use and change global variables from other components, my files structure looks like this... enter image description here I have my variables in globa
I set a provider in my main.ts file: app.provide('currentPage','test1') And then inject it in a component Home.vue: inject: ['currentPage'], I then can update i