I'm working on getting VoiceOver to read out text updates in an unfocused widget - as part of this, I'd like to be able to see all of the events that the macOS
I have one button on screen and on that button tap it opens one modal (view). but after closing that view, the focus of accessibility voice over goes on top of
I have define a custom actions in my accessibilityElement: UIAccessibilityCustomAction *action1 = ...initWithName:@"label1"; UIAccessibilityCustomAction *action
In my app, I have a screen where I need to support voice over accessibility. The screen has a TableView and inside that a collectionView. When voice over is ON
So I have a custom view controller that displays a dialog with a couple of buttons. When the view appears I want voiceover to read out some basic information d
Overview: I'm having difficulty understanding how to properly programmatically shift accessibility focus in a SwiftUI view compatible with IOS 13+. This means u
Voice over reads the following NSStrings like so 14:15 "Fourteen fifteen." This is clearly a time 14:00 "Fourteen." This is ambiguous. If the t