Category "vscode-tasks"

How do I test my html code on browser directly from VS Code using tasks.json version 2.0.0 on MacOS?

In Windows, using VS Code tasks.json version 0.1.0, I used to use following code to test my html code in the browser directly from the VS Code shortcut: {

What is the command to open a file in specified ViewColumn in VS Codium?

How can I open a specific file in a specified split view with an built-in command in VS codium? Is that possible without writing an extension? I have a project,

in vscode how can I quickly generate a new file with datetime in the name?

I'm trying to be able to have a keyboard shortcut that creates a new file with the datetime as the prefix and some additional text that I enter. I know there i

Tasks.json does not accept wildcard for multiple files

I have a folder with multiple cpp files that I want to compile to a DLL with g++ (MinGW). My Tasks.json looks like this: { // See

Launch.json: how to reference an environment variable

In order to define my environment variables in a single place a configured a task in which a run a shell script. The task is run as preLaunchTask in my launch.j

VScode tasks.json reuse tasks instead of copy/paste possible?

I find myself copy/pasting quite a bit in tasks.json. Is there a better way to deal with this? Googled for parameterizing tasks, but that doesn't seem possible.

Environment variable not being passed down on VS Code in Windows -- bug or am I missing something?

I am doing development with clasp will use the environment variable clasp_config_auth. I have tested and confirmed that outside