Category "vuejs3"

Passing Vuelidate instance as modal data makes it undefined

I have a Vuelidate instance in a form component. Another parent component includes it and needs to access it's validator instance through a 2-way model binding.

Vue 3 Axios post call works but v-model lags a step behind?

I am using Vue.js 3, Laravel and Axios to make a simple post call: processFilters() { self = this; let tags = self.checkedTags.

Is it normal to see all of this while installing Vue JS CLI?

I just need to know why am i getting all these warnings and vulnerabilities after i run (npm install -g @vue/cli) to install Vue JS 3 globally on windows. A pic

Vue3 Typescript error on registering component inside another

I have a Vue3 component (using TS) in which I'm trying to render another component inside it like this: TopBar.vue <template> <TopBarProfileDropdown /&

NPM response after creating new Vue JS project

I would like someone to please explain to me three things I get after creating new Vue JS project. NPM is giving me few warnings that would like to understand.

How to use template refs in Nuxt 3

In Nuxt2 there were template $refs that you could access in <script> with this.$refs I would like to know what is the Nuxt3 equivalent of this is. I need

how to properly use dayjs inside vue 3 app and component

I am able to use dayjs inside vue3 component by adding it to data() import dayjs from 'dayjs' export default { data() { return { dayjs } } }

Vue3 css v-bind() not working with external script

I'm trying to make v-bind within css work based on this feature: and

Enable sourcemaps in Vue-Vite

Is it possible to enable sourcemaps in Vue-Vite in production environment? I would like to use it for Bugsnag. Can't find anything about it in the docs. In dev

Why I'm getting an empty access token from azure b2c using vuejs 3

I'm using the last version of MSAL.js (@azure/msal-browser": "^2.23.0"),I can successfully authnenticat but the access token is empty I dont know why. I'm posti

Create a deconstructed computed properties out of a computed object

In my vue component, I have a computed object which I wanted to deconstruct. const profile_state = computed(() => store.getters['profile/GET_STATE']); Since

How to prevent double invoking of the hook created?

So I have a problem with my vue3 project. The gist: I need to support different layouts for some use cases: authorization, user profile's layout, group's layout

Vue3 | Pinia - Watching storeToRefs in composable function does not work

I'm trying to understand the purpose of composables. I have a simple composable like this and was trying to watch state from a Pinia store where the watch does

Passing v-model into a checkbox inside a Component in Vue 3?

I want to embed a checkbox inside a Vue3 Component and have the v-model binding passed down to the checkbox. Inside the Component: <!-- Tile.vue --> <t

Making v-model:value lazy

I have a simple Vue component, which comes from a 3rd party package. The component is a text editor, and I have to provide it with a value for it to render corr

How to use Vue-meta with vue3?

Actually, I installed it. Everything was well until I tried to add a meta description. The problem is that when I want to use meta description instead of showin

Dynamic component doesn't display anything in Vue3?

I have a dynamic component in my project like that can be "Login" or "RegisterForm" But it doesn't display anything. <script setup lang="ts"> import { re

In Vuejs3 how to make the sticky header component change background colour when intersecting with other components?

I am just wondering, how to structure my code to make my sticky <Header /> component change its background-color when intersecting with other components (

How to get current component name in vue js 3.0

I can get component name in vue js 2 by: this.$ How to get it in vue js 3? Thank you.

How to get current component name in vue js 3.0

I can get component name in vue js 2 by: this.$ How to get it in vue js 3? Thank you.