Category "vuejs3"

Create a deconstructed computed properties out of a computed object

In my vue component, I have a computed object which I wanted to deconstruct. const profile_state = computed(() => store.getters['profile/GET_STATE']); Since

How to prevent double invoking of the hook created?

So I have a problem with my vue3 project. The gist: I need to support different layouts for some use cases: authorization, user profile's layout, group's layout

Vue3 | Pinia - Watching storeToRefs in composable function does not work

I'm trying to understand the purpose of composables. I have a simple composable like this and was trying to watch state from a Pinia store where the watch does

Passing v-model into a checkbox inside a Component in Vue 3?

I want to embed a checkbox inside a Vue3 Component and have the v-model binding passed down to the checkbox. Inside the Component: <!-- Tile.vue --> <t

Making v-model:value lazy

I have a simple Vue component, which comes from a 3rd party package. The component is a text editor, and I have to provide it with a value for it to render corr

How to use Vue-meta with vue3?

Actually, I installed it. Everything was well until I tried to add a meta description. The problem is that when I want to use meta description instead of showin

Dynamic component doesn't display anything in Vue3?

I have a dynamic component in my project like that can be "Login" or "RegisterForm" But it doesn't display anything. <script setup lang="ts"> import { re

In Vuejs3 how to make the sticky header component change background colour when intersecting with other components?

I am just wondering, how to structure my code to make my sticky <Header /> component change its background-color when intersecting with other components (

How to get current component name in vue js 3.0

I can get component name in vue js 2 by: this.$ How to get it in vue js 3? Thank you.

How to get current component name in vue js 3.0

I can get component name in vue js 2 by: this.$ How to get it in vue js 3? Thank you.

How to implement loginRedirect using vuejs and azureb2c and msal.js

I'm trying to implement an SSO using Azure b2c and Vuejs and MSAL, but I'm getting some issues. msalConfig: { auth: { clientId: "******dd03",

There are two elements in <template> when I creat a new Vue3 project, and my VScode warning

Guys i'm in the transition from vue2 to vue3. As i know in vue2 you can't put more than One element in <template></template> But when i create a n

Vue3 - Ace Editor on v-model change

I am using Ace Editor with Vue3: <v-ace-editor v-model:value="currentRecord.prompt" lang="json" theme="textmate" style="height: 100%;" :o

vue.runtime.esm-browser.js does not render Vue 3 components

I created a vue 3 project using Vue cli. I am using a webpack config to manage my build. When I point my vue bundle to vue.runtime.esm-browser.js, then I get a

What is the proper way to pass a reactive pinia state as axios params?

I am trying to use two pinia stores for my axios params but when I send the axios request, the state is sent as a whole proxy object. stores/product-filter.js i

How can I register a component in <script setup>?

How can I register a component in <script setup>?

How to setFocus on Next button press event in Ionic-vue app?

I’m having difficulties trying to change focus from one input to another by pressing the next button in android/ios keyboard since there is no example for

problem with vue3 animation when using dynamic component

I want to add animation for two components , this is my code : let activeComponent = ref('Login') </script> <template> <Transition name="fad

I can't import qs in vite

I use vite, ts and vue3. Now I want to use qs.stringfy() to build a url's query, but it panic. I use yarn add @types/qs to add qs. My code like this import

Vue Stylus Sass Variables

After integrating stylus into my Vue3 application, my global css variables no longer work (loaded through prependData as mentioned here). Old, working code (no