Category "vulkan"

Handle multiply cameras in Vulkan

I'm trying to implement rendering with different cameras. When I use only one camera, everything is ok. But when I have two cameras with different transformatio

using vkEnumerateInstanceVersion to get exact Vulkan API version

I am using vkEnumerateInstanceVersion to get the vulkan api version and pass it to VkApplicationInfo struct. I can easily differentiate between VK_VERSION_1_0 a

Validation warning about SPIR-V Capability

I'm using Vulkan for heavy GPU computations and in some kernels I'm applying subgroup arithmetic operations. In order to use this, I've included necessary exten

Refreshing a Variable multiple times a frame(for a texture array in a shader)

I want to Update an integer multiple times in frame so that the fragment-shader can access the right index of a texture array for different objects. I first tri

Vulkan right handed coordinate system become Left handed

Problem: Vulkan right handed coordinate system became left handed coordinate system after applying projection matrix. How can I make it consistent with Vulkan

How to render Vulkan's scene to ImGui window Version: 1.87 Branch: docking Back-end/Renderer/Compiler/OS Back-ends: imgui_impl_Vulkan.cpp + imgui_impl_Vulkan.cp

Xamarin Android: Calling Invalidate() inside overridden OnDraw method

I am creating a custom renderer, that needs to display whatever I have rendered in my Vulkan engine. For this I have a VulkanSurfaceView, which inherits from Me

Vulkan: Errors when adding 3rd descriptor

I have a Vulkan program that has descriptors for a Uniform buffer and a Combined image sampler. I tried to add a 3rd descriptor to for a Dynamic Uniform buffer

vkQueuePresentKHR image has invalid layout if no command buffers are submitted

I have a minimalistic Vulkan pipeline set up and all it does is clearing the backbuffer before presenting it. However, if I set .commandBufferCount = 0 I get th

Why is a single depth buffer sufficient for this vulkan swapchain render loop?

I was following the vulkan tutorial at and at the depth buffering chapter, the author Alexander Overvoorde mentions that "We only n

In Vulkan, is it beneficial for the graphics queue family to be separate from the present queue family?

As far as I can tell it is possible for a queue family to support presenting to the screen but not support graphics. Say I have a queue family that supports bot