Category "web-applications"

unable to create web_app button aiogram

Good afternoon, an update has recently been released in telegram and added web_app buttons. leading to the "site" in the telegram itself, the documentation says

ERROR Error: NG0201: No provider for NgControl found in NodeInjector

i ran completly out of ideas. I want to user Reactive Forms Module, so i imported it in app.module.ts like import { ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

Is there any way to add multiple language(like french, spanish) in MVC website

the website contains very large amount of data, so it is not possible to convert data in each language and paste it like this enter image description here

Large File upload issue (working in local but not working on server)

I have a Django-based application that has the functionality to upload the file. We used to deploy the same in the azure web app. For the small file (max file s

Tailwind with Angular 13

when I run : ng add @ngneat/tailwind I got this error: An unhandled exception occurred: NOT SUPPORTED: keyword "id", use "$id" for schema ID !!!!!! VSCode. An

Will my code be transpiled twice if I use TypeScript in a Vue.js 3 project?

I'm not very experienced in either TypeScript, Vue, or the Node ecosystem. I have a working setup created using Vue CLI, with Vue 3 and TypeScript, pretty much

How can I run docker image in Azure app service with privileged option?

I'm trying to deploy docker image in Azure web app with privileged option. But I don't know how to customize docker run command in Azure web apps.

appscript[x] increment

=== Answer added in code === please could you help me resolve this : How get form.test[j] work in the Apps Script code of the form submit.Input name are : test1

UrlFetchApp.Fetch returns status 200 but Google script web app does not work

I have made two Google spreadsheets. One is parent sheet and another is a child sheet that imports data from parent sheet. This data is imported using a standal

How to make a Django application send money to its users using PayPal

I have a Django app for online cockfights. Users can bet if their accounts on the site have balance. They do that by first buying a digital product "Online Sabo

org.hibernate.internal.ExceptionMapperStandardImpl.mapManagedFlushFailure HHH000346: Error during managed flush

I have a server mistake: > ERROR [http-nio-8080-exec-5] > org.hibernate.internal.ExceptionMapperStandardImpl.mapManagedFlushFailure > HHH000346: Error

Django admin site login error -"This site can’t be reached127.0.0.1 refused to connect."

I am developing a web app using Django 3.0.1 and python 3.7 for my college's final year project. Whenever I try to login to the admin page in the local host in

Best Method for polling a google sheet for changes using a Google Apps Script Web App?

I am working on a google apps script web app to get it to poll a google sheet for changes/updates. At the moment this can either be "content" or simply when the

Google apps script URL changes and does not open

I have an issue where other uses of my Google apps script's url is getting changed. Due to this issue they are not able to open the html page. Original url "htt

How to add internet privileges to LG web app?

I am developing a web app for TV and I need to add internet privileges for the same. For samsung, in Tizen Studio it's quite straight forward, in IDE in config.

How to truncate Tomcat Catalina.out log to 3 months back

My company wants us to save logs from the past 3 months. Catalina.out is getting too large on the linux server (Red hat). How can I remove everything in the log

Is there any shortcut/command available to skip karma tests? like -DskipTests for Maven

I have created Maven Web application and I generally use mvn clean install So it execute npm install command as its one of the execution goal and then it ru

Deploy VUE application on IIS [closed]

I'm trying to deploy a VUE frontend application on IIS. The routing is working fine in dev mode, however, something seems to break in the rout

GlassFish Server HTTP Status 404 - Not Found

Product Version = NetBeans IDE 8.1 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.1 I have a very simple web application created with Netbeans 7.0.1 which includes onl

How to Fix "django channels", Failed to build cryptography?

I try to install Django channels and I get this error how to fix it? =============================DEBUG ASSISTANCE============================= If you are s