Category "web-audio-api"

WebAudio API change volume for one of sources

I'm reading this article My goal is to play two sounds at the same time. One sound is in a different volume. Having regular "audio" tags is not a solution becau

Web Audio API sound interaction stops working after a while

I'm working with the Web Audio API for my javascript project, and I've run into an issue that I can't seem to find the answer for anywhere. I've added event lis

Stream Audio via WebSocket - Web Audio

I'm so close to getting audio chat working via Websockets. The idea of this application I'm building is to have a group voice chat working in browser. I'm using

How do you combine many audio tracks into one for mediaRecorder API?

I want to make a recording where, I get multiple audio tracks from different mediaStream objects (some of them, remote). Use the getAudioTracks () method and ad

specify mime type for dataUri when using webpacks asset/inline

I'm loading audio files with webpacks asset/inline { test: /\.(wav)$/i, type: 'asset/inline', } import someWAV from './wav/some.wav' working all fine, fil

Javascript - Web Audio API -- Range type Input is not dynamic in Firefox, but it is dynamic in Chrome -added reprex

The gain controller works dynamically on chrome, but in firefox it does not. I need to re-play audio file for browser to recognize new input value of the range

Prevent AudioWorkletNode memory leak

I have an AudioWorkletNode that is a member of a class instance. When I delete/kill/remove that instance, the AudioWorkletNode and MessagePort leak. Before del

Audio spatialization with WebGL

I currently work on a little Project, where I render a CubeMap with WebGL and then apply some sounds with the "web audio API" Web Audio API Since the project is

convert recording audio to buffer

I want to record audio in javascript and convert it to a buffer at the time (not saving it to a file and then converting it to a buffer). how I can do this? I t

Frontend JavaScript request gets 302-redirected but ultimately fails

I'm trying to create an audio visualization for a podcast network, using the Web Audio API with createMediaElementSource() very similarly to the model explained

How to select destination output device using Web Audio Api

I have been using web audio api and have created a context, and populated a source buffer with data. It plays fine over the default output device, but i don't

Web audio API oscillator onstarted event

The Web Audio API oscillator allows a script to be alerted when the oscillator stops with onended. How can the script be alerted when it starts? const ac = new