Category "web-hosting"

How can I ensure ensure emails from my domain get delivered and avoid them being marked as spam by Hotmail/Outlook? [duplicate]

I'm using PHPMailer to send emails from my hostgator webserver account. It's working as I'm getting emails at my professional domain and gmail

user name and password popup coming for windows authentication in IIS

Details: I have hosted internal application on IIS 10. One of functionality requirement is open the one of the form to external users (out of our organization).

Godaddy URL redirect from HTTP to HTTPS

I host my website on heroku and bought the domain from godaddy, here's how I set my DNS records Records A - @ - Forwaded - 600 secs CNAME - www -

Deploy mosaico app to web domain with grunt

However, I want to host this email editor -, on my personal domain (hostagor, if it matters). It runs perfectly fine on my local server with grunt, b

Cant Host .net application to iis server

I was trying to publish dotnet MVC application to IIS .I created a site in that and opened in the browser .but it looks like this how to run my app on IIS.