Category "web-worker"

Is it possible to pause/resume a web worker externally?

I've seen that web workers have a terminate() function, but is there a way to pause and resume web workers from the host thread similar to interrupts? The crit

how to use multiple tsconfig files (with conflicting compiler options)?

My codebase contains two typescript projects: for a react web app for web workers The web worker codebase is part of my public/ folder. Which means that there

Do web workers allow you to go over the browser http connection limit?

There are a few questions on SO related to web worker http limits, including: Http connection limit on webworker or service worker, Maximum number of http reque

Can you compile a TS file with webpack separately from Vue application?

So I have a Vue 3 + Typescript app. npm run build of course takes the app and compiles it into the dist folder so it can be deployed. I have a web worker typesc

Can/should HTML5 Web Workers use CORS for cross-origin?

I ran into an interesting problem while creating a hosted API that relies on web workers. I was hoping to get a little community feedback on it. My server is s