Category "webautomation"

Assign a value to a "hidden" input webelement, in SeleniumBasic for Chrome

I have to migrate a web automation program from IE controlled by Excel VBA to Chrome using selenium basic in Excel VBA. The website itself is not public so I ca

How to launch headless chrome in OS X

I am trying to launch Chrome in Headless mode for some automation with Selenium and Python. I've tried all the arguments but Chrome will not launch in headless

Selenium webdriver is opening the browser, but not opening the given url

This is the screenshot of the error I'm getting. I have recently taken up the task to learn functional testing and web automation using selnium webdriver with

Unable to open a link in new tab using Actions Class

I am trying to open a link in a new tab using selenium java automation code. Initially i tried with actions class but it wasn't working. Later i tried using the

How can you get the selected option of a dropdown with Playwright

I am using the C# Language Bindings of Playwright. Example HTML: <select id="txtType" name="Type" class="form-control"> <option>Blog Posts&l

How can you get the selected option of a dropdown with Playwright

I am using the C# Language Bindings of Playwright. Example HTML: <select id="txtType" name="Type" class="form-control"> <option>Blog Posts&l

How to use installed version of chrome in Playwright?

I want to use chrome instead of chromium. I can achieve the same in puppeteer by providing executable path. In playwright it doesn't work as browser type argume

How to get children of elements by Puppeteer

I understand that puppeteer get its own handles rather than standard DOM elements, but I don't understand why I cannot continue the same query by found elements

WhatsApp Web Automation with Python Selenium (unable to locate element)

I am using python and selenium to send a message to a target. I can successfully open whatsapp web but after that I cannot open the inbox of the contact to who