Category "webdriver"

profile.assume_untrusted_certificate_issuer = false not working for me

Using watir-webdriver for automation I'm not able to handle Firefox "Untrusted Connection" . Already tried this: require 'watir-webdriver' profile = Selenium

Display errors in JUnit failure trace

I use Selenium Web Driver in Eclipse with JUnit. I need create simple checking if some text exists on the page - if it is, than I need generate error. I want th

Get cookies from selenium session

I want to get session variable and cookies after login. i have used selenium webdriver and successfully login. but how to get session and cookies after login in

python selenium: unable to locate element, svg-icon button inside shadow-root

I'm new in selenium and trying to click icon button. I've used find_element_by_xpath, class_name, or by_id but it always returned an error message: Message: no

Find Element by Coordinates in Selenium (WebDriver)

I'm aware how to retrieve the coordinates of a web element in Selenium: WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath(XPath)); Point location = element.getL

Is there a straight forward way to install and configure WebdriverIO with Internet Explorer 11 and Egde support

I went through all the docs and posts about Webdriver IO that I could find and I couldn't find a straight forward way to install and configure WebdriverIO with

setUp method: Failed to connect to binary FirefoxBinary(/usr/bin/firefox) on port 7055; process output follows:

When I am running Selenium-Webdriver scripts in Eclipse, it works fine. But the same scripts are running in jenkins in server machine, it is giving the followin

Protractor (WebDriverJS) cannot switchTo window. nameOrHandle is not defined

I have gone around this as many ways as I can think, and still can't get this to work. I am trying to switch to a popUp as a way to automate a login. (Protract

Reading Excel file with Selenium WebDriver C# and web form with values

I have a Selenium WebDriver script written in C# that reads some values from an Excel spreadsheet and then uses the values from the row to fill a web form. The