Category "webhooks"

Test Google Assistant is not connecting with my Dialogflow Webhook fulfillment

I have been building a simple chatbot in Dialogflow, and the las week I decided to test the chatbot in Google Assistant. I already tested the chatbot in Dialogf

Microsoft Azure Secure Webhook

I am trying to use Secure Webhook solution by Microsoft Azure to send Planned Maintenance Events to my web application's endpoint. However, while testing the we

Working with webhook using paystack payment gateway

I have created an online store with Paystack gateway implemented. Up till now it's been successful, but I need a little help with creating a webhook event scrip

How to Track Successful Payment on Coinbase Commerce Webhook Directly on my Website

Please I need help on how to to go about this. I am currently building a website to enable bitcoin payment directly on my website. After creating a checkout on

Modifying WebHook Message With Discord.Net c#

using (DiscordWebhookClient client = new DiscordWebhookClient(WEBHOOK_URL)) { ulong z = 42342340290226; client.ModifyMessageAsync(z);//Not sure how I wo

Passing quoted argument in json payload to shell script

I am working on a python script that passes arguments to a shell script that lives in a Docker container. I'm achieving this using this Go webhook tool (https:/

Shopify Order Updated Events Within The Same Timestamp

This question was originally asked in the shopify community, but without any response. So sorry for those of you reading this as duplicate. We are trying to str

stripe webhook with firebase showing error

it is showing Unexpected value for STRIPE_SIGNING_SECRET error even after checking it many times in the env file the terminal shows everything created but it do

Send an alert notification from InfluxDb to Microsoft Teams

I am running an influxDb, on my server, and I created below: Notification Check Notification Endpoint (HTTP POST) Notification Rule All above are running succe

Incoming webhook trigger for Azure Devops pipeline : "Cannot find webhook for the given webHookId"

I try to setup a incoming webhook in a project to trigger a yaml pipeline. Setup service connection with incoming webhook. Added yaml snippet to pipeline like t

Error 'Invalid hostname for this tenancy' on using graph api of sharepoint to subscribe event notification

I am new to sharepoint and now I am trying to create a webhook for my sharepoint sites, such that on any crud operation i would get notification in my app I ha

Discord webhook post to channel thread

How does one use Discord webhooks to post to a channel thread, not the channel itself? For example, I have a text channel called videos in which are a number of

configuring stripe webhook, Test webhook error: Unable to connect

So I am trying to implement a stripe webhook to listen to various events. Basically I have my php application running live, say on "". I have

MS Teams CallRecord: where is the first CallSegment and how I can access it?

in the call seen in the next image, the 2nd user has 2 Call segment but in the call record on the last one is shown. If my mind is correct i left the call and

what is the procedure of registering the webhook for twitter?

I am trying to register url as webhook on twitter through the curl command given in the twitter documentation. I think twitter documentation is a bit outdated o

Microsoft Teams channel webhook URL format validation - any consistent pattern/documentation?

I'm building an app that allows the user to input a Teams channel webhook connector URL for notifications. I want to be able to do some basic validation on the

can't use getUpdates method while webhook is active; use deleteWebhook to delete the webhook first (DELETEWEBHOOK DOESN'T WORK)

I've done a bot for telegram and it worked but some days ago it appears a problem. "can't use getUpdates method while webhook is active; use deleteWebhook to de

TradinView problem with reading webhooks and running the page script

I have the following problem: In the TradingView application, I have alarms set and sending them via the URL Webhook to the address

Testing subscription renewals on Stripe

I am using Stripe to test how my code would react to recurring subscription renewal payment attempts for a product we are working on (need to test success, fail

Clear "pending_update_count" in Telegram Bot

I want to clear all pending_update_count in my bot! The output of below command : Obviously I re