Category "webkit"

Swift/JS Restore WebView Back Forward List

I am trying to figure out how to restore the back forward list in a WKWebView. Apple defaults the BackForwardList to be readonly. However, FireFox, Chrome, and

Storybook 6, use module paths?

Is it possible to configure storybook 6 to use the module paths in my tsconfig.json file to work with sass-loader (or just to replicate the same pattern if that

Only getting RangeError when Chrome Developer Tools is closed

So I have this weird error where the script stops executing with RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded when I launch it normally, but when I open the Dev

Save page of WebKitWebView into file

I have this almost solved. I've found this function: void webkit_web_view_save_to_file (WebKitWebView *web_view, GFile *file,

Chrome bug for autofill color and background on mobile

I am experiencing a really odd bug which only appears in Chrome when it is viewed on an actual mobile device. In my checkout the default colors of the input fie

Why is my position:sticky not working on iOS?

I'm in the process of coding a sticky notification bar seated at the bottom of a mobile screen. I want the bar to be stuck at the bottom of the users screen unt

Save a PDF from a WKWebView

This questions pertains to macOS, not iOS. Note that this question is being reported as a duplicate of this question. The answers on that page pertain either t

WkWebKit - javascript on loaded page finds window.webkit is undefined

I'm experimenting with WkWebKit talking back and forth between app and page. I can get javaScript to execute fine using WkWebView evaluateJavascript method, bu

What is webkit 1 way of createobjecturl?

I tested URL.createobjecturl in chrome browser with large blob object and it worked like charm. But problem came when I ran same code on older webkit (version 1

Webkit - Cannot Scroll Up Without First Scrolling Down

I ran into this odd bug on Webkit browsers where if a user attempts to scroll up in my div, they are unable to do so, without first scrolling down - if the user

Disable table header repeating on page break when rendering as PDF

PhantomJS seems to have issues with trying to make the table headers repeat on page breaks; the headers are sometimes in the wrong place, or they collide with e

How to detect Blink in Chrome

Is there any way to detect that the user is coming with Blink or Webkit powered Chrome engine? By the way i'm also curious about if i can check somewhere if my

Getting Webkit to pay attention to <legend> margins [duplicate]

I'm simply trying to get Chrome/Safari to pay attention when I say margin-bottom: 20px on a <legend> tag... demo:

Google Chrome autofill background color change?

I'm trying to get the autofill background color on my inputs changed. The accepted answers online seem to be something along the lines of: Removing input back

How do I know when HTML has fully rendered

case 1: I load a very large HTML page that includes a lot of complex layout and fonts. The page will take some unknown time to render. case 2: I use jquery .