Trying to get familiar to chat apps using this tutorial. Everything looks good, but when I try to run npm run watch according to the directions in the end, I ge
I would like my webpack-generated JS chunk files to have the same name as the source filename. I know I can achieve this by explicitely adding a magic comment l
Question is exactly same here in fact but has different context: How to mock not installed npm package in jest? I am part of a project where new Module Federati
Ok so now i have read a lot of different issues on stackoverflow without any luck, they seem all to go to an older version of webpack-dev-server. I have tried a
I am working on a laravel reactjs project and when I run the command npm run dev the compilation stuck at 95% and give the following error. I checked in the wh
I have an Ionic application that relies heavily on conditional compilation where I include or exclude blocks of code based on a set of config values similar to
My aim would be to have ES6 syntax (or latest one) in my entire react-app built. I've already managed to avoid polyfills in my own code by omi
I am trying to install a fresh laravel 8 project. After downloading frontend scaffolding when I try to run npm run dev it gives me an error. This problem also h
I use SweetAlert2 for my project. I use VueJS and vue-cli-service with webpack. As I wanted to use the boostrap-4 theme, I followed the instructions : npm i npm
I am trying to deploy this site to netlify: But I am getting this error: 10:02:31 AM: Module not found: Can't resolve
I upgraded React v16.14 app to run with Webpack v5 from v4. I'm seeing hundreds of warnings with .scss files like below even though the app seems to run fine. I
I want to add tailwind to storybook. So that Stories will render just like it will render on web. I used create-react-app project-name --template typescript to
I use a vue-cli- without vue-cli-cypress (some problems with enviroments variables). Everywhere in the code, we use '@' to import some components and etc. So I
Obligatory apologies if this has been asked before, but I've been unable to find an answer online or in the webpack docs related to tree shaking. How does tre
I have set up Laravel in a Docker container and launched it using Laravel Sail. I'm using Laravel mix with tailwind version 3 to include my CSS. The issue is th
I have a nestjs app and i use webpack to bundled this entire project to a main.js file. My webpack configure file just flowed by this repo ,but when i run npm r
I have 3 containers, one for the DB, one for the php/apache and the last one for webpack. My website is a Wordpress blog. I don't usually use Docker but I wante
I'm currently upgrading an existing app with legacy per-page frontend javascript and CSS to Symfony's Webpack Encore. The app and it's dependencies each supply
Hey Everyone i am facing error on my react app please help me. I am a beginner so i don't know much about react your help is appreciated Console image Total 32
My ASP.NET Core RazorPages project uses Webpack. I also want to use CSS Isolation. Every RazorPage Foo.cshtml has an associated css file Foo.cshtml.css. These