Category "webpack"

How to bundle NextJS project into one single file

I'm currently building a project that will work as an addon to another application. I'm currently using NextJS to build the application, but I need to bundle th

Resolving multiple versions of React in component library built with Webpack and Storybook

I'm trying to build a React component library built on top of MUI and using Storybook and TypeScript. Because Storybook (which uses create-react-app) is based o

Resolving multiple versions of React in component library built with Webpack and Storybook

I'm trying to build a React component library built on top of MUI and using Storybook and TypeScript. Because Storybook (which uses create-react-app) is based o

How do I use Webpack to get all files into one file?

I want to use Webpack to add a handler on React. My file package.json look like this: { "version": "0.1.0", "private": true, "dependencies": { "@testin

BREAKING CHANGE: webpack < 5 used to include polyfills for node.js core modules by default while deleting images in cloudinary using react

I want to delete images of cloudinary in react , i am using firebase for backend , so cant use node.js backend api, so have to use cloudinary api to delete imag

Why is CssMinimizerWebpackPlugin preventing my main js file from being minified?

I am using webpack's CssMinimizerWebpackPlugin (docs). I initially configured it as recommended on the documentation optimization: { minimize: true, m

JetBrains rider IDE => Hosting Environment

enter image description hereI am trying to move from Visual Studio 2022 to JetBrains rider with my .NET full-stack project. I am using Webpack for my front-end

Cannot find module 'webpack' using webpack-dev-server

Trying to get familiar to chat apps using this tutorial. Everything looks good, but when I try to run npm run watch according to the directions in the end, I ge

Automatically generating Webpack chunk names for dynamic imports

I would like my webpack-generated JS chunk files to have the same name as the source filename. I know I can achieve this by explicitely adding a magic comment l

Mocking federated modules in host application for jest

Question is exactly same here in fact but has different context: How to mock not installed npm package in jest? I am part of a project where new Module Federati

webpack dev server only reloads once

Ok so now i have read a lot of different issues on stackoverflow without any luck, they seem all to go to an older version of webpack-dev-server. I have tried a

Error: Prevent writing to file that only differs in casing or query string from already written file. reactjs laravel

I am working on a laravel reactjs project and when I run the command npm run dev the compilation stuck at 95% and give the following error. I checked in the wh

Conditional compilation using ifdef-loader with Angular 13 and Webpack?

I have an Ionic application that relies heavily on conditional compilation where I include or exclude blocks of code based on a set of config values similar to

Force Webpack to use ES6 syntax in react-app bundle [duplicate]

My aim would be to have ES6 syntax (or latest one) in my entire react-app built. I've already managed to avoid polyfills in my own code by omi

laravel 8 instalation error - npm run dev throws error

I am trying to install a fresh laravel 8 project. After downloading frontend scaffolding when I try to run npm run dev it gives me an error. This problem also h

Loading CSS bootstrap-4 theme for sweet-alert2

I use SweetAlert2 for my project. I use VueJS and vue-cli-service with webpack. As I wanted to use the boostrap-4 theme, I followed the instructions : npm i npm

How do I resolve the "Module not found: Can't resolve [css file] in [directory]" when deploying next.js site to Netlify?

I am trying to deploy this site to netlify: But I am getting this error: 10:02:31 AM: Module not found: Can't resolve

Invalid dependencies have been reported by plugins or loaders for this module. All reported dependencies need to be absolute paths

I upgraded React v16.14 app to run with Webpack v5 from v4. I'm seeing hundreds of warnings with .scss files like below even though the app seems to run fine. I

Storybook-tailwind. How should I add tailwind to storybook

I want to add tailwind to storybook. So that Stories will render just like it will render on web. I used create-react-app project-name --template typescript to

Cypress-webpack preprocesor, alias doesnt work

I use a vue-cli- without vue-cli-cypress (some problems with enviroments variables). Everywhere in the code, we use '@' to import some components and etc. So I