I am trying to consume an MFE using webpack 5, module federation with angular 13. However when I run the application I am getting below error. Uncaught SyntaxEr
I am working on an architecture for a dynamic dashboard with components fetched from different remote react bundles using webpack 5 module federation. I do have
I am working on a laravel reactjs project and when I run the command npm run dev the compilation stuck at 95% and give the following error. I checked in the wh
Version 5.0.1 Reproduction link github.com Environment info Environment Info: System: OS: Linux 5.13 Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS (Focal Fossa) CPU: (12) x64 I
I have an existing old react application, created with create-react-app and ejected with react-app-rewired. I'm updating the deprecated dependencies. I've alrea
I'm trying to follow these instructions by the developers themesevles at https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/6817#issuecomment-542448438 which doesn't wor
I have a simple webpack and trying to use publicPath: const path = require('path'); module.exports = { entry: { jquery: './node_modules/jquery/dist
I am trying to get my rather complicated monolithic app to work with Module Federation. My webpack config looks like that plugins: [ new ModuleFederation
I have dual boot with Angular 13 and Angular 1. The app is built with webpack v5. The tsconfig has key "emitDecoratorMetadata":true. After install I run NGCC on
I cant figure out whats going on here. I use the file-loader to load the fonts of my application: { test: /.(ttf|otf|eot|svg|woff(2)?)(\?[a-z0-9]+)?$/,
Can anyone explain me why MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader doesn't let HMR work and how can I fix it? I created the following webpack.config.js file: const path
I'm working on the project upgrading from webpack 3 to webpack 5. In the project, it was using raw-loader and extract-text-webpack-plugin to parse imported html
I have some pictures in folder "src/assets/img/". I would like to keep the relative path to pictures. Example: before -> after Part of my webpack config: con
If you are using webpack v5 or above you do not need to install this plugin. Webpack v5 comes with the latest terser-webpack-plugin out of the box. I am going
I am creating a new react app and trying to configure webpack compiler from scratch. The issue happens when running the build command with webpack -c config/web