Category "webpack-encore"

How to add all page specific entries from dependency

I'm currently upgrading an existing app with legacy per-page frontend javascript and CSS to Symfony's Webpack Encore. The app and it's dependencies each supply

Why is webpack encore required only in dev

I'm currently configuring some docker images for a symfony 5 project and trying to deal with the production build. Doing so, I noticed that webpack encore is in

Why is webpack encore required only in dev

I'm currently configuring some docker images for a symfony 5 project and trying to deal with the production build. Doing so, I noticed that webpack encore is in

How to import TomSelect in App.js to avoid browser error?

I'm working on a symfony 5.4 application that uses webpack / encore. I want to use the tomselect javascript plugin. i installed it with yarn and want to import

Could not find the entrypoints file from Webpack: the file ".../public/build/entrypoints.json" does not exist

I'm trying to setup a symfony project i cloned from github, i'm new to setting up symfony and need help. I've done composer install but it won't come up with th