I'm implementing WebRTC Perfect Negotiation in my Vue 2 application. The app will have multiple viewers and a single streamer. After a lot of logging and debugg
enter image description hereI've installed all httptoolkit-server and also the httptoolkit-ui to capture data and mock it up, i've installed mockrt,mockttp,dock
Hi I've implemented a video call using WebRTC / Agora.io. It was working well until last week I get this message. It doesn't support now in Chrome and Edge. But
I'm looking for documentation about transcribing audio streaming data coming from WebRTC using Google Cloud Speach-To-Text. I'm using aiortc as a library in Pyt
I tried to find the solution. But I failed. Please help me if anybody know the solution.
I try to follow this documentation https://github.com/pion/mediadevices. But somehow i constantly run into errors. First i had to install MinGW (gcc). Then i ha
I am making a group video call nodejs application. I come to know about two npm packages wrtc - from this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMbdEnK8h3U medi
We have a home camera device which is using aws kinesis video streaming for webrtc. We were trying to integrate google home to enable command based live stramin
It's November of 2019, this JavaScript code works in FireFox (70.0.1 (64-bit)), Safari (13.0.2 (15608., Opera (Version:65.0.3467.48), On a Windows
I am trying to implement a live streaming application using flutter. For that, I need to implement a webRTC server with NodeJS. Is there a way to implement a we
The problem I have has been discussed in several questions on this site: When I call mediaDevices.enumerateDevices(), the field deviceId is empty. The best ques
I am recording my browser window using MediaStream and MediaRecorder. But need to disable the mouse cursor from being recorded, so when I create my video track,
I am trying to make a video call using simple-peer and I tried a lot with same code but sometimes I can see what I expected but it doesn't always work well. At
Currently, i am working on a webRTC project where you can give call and receive call.i also want to add screen share functionality to it. can anyone provide me
Someone, please help! 🙏 answerCall event is not firing in Android only. When we call displayIncomingCall and the incoming call shows on Android, and whe
I am implementing a camera device and thinking using WebRTC as the video/audio streaming protocol with the app. And I would like to stream the video/audio to Go
Publisher doesn't notify when connection is destroyed or diconnected. In Openvidu docs, they suggest connectionDestroyed & sessionDisconnected event but it
I've read that ICE is an agent on the WebRTC server which sends SDP information of users to STUN or TURN server. STUN and TURN server gives this SDP information
I am trying to build a video calling app using webRTC and it is works fine most of the times on home networks. The moment I enter a secure network like a univer
I'm using the 'facingMode' constrain in order to switch between the two cameras, but I'm not able to fully decided whether the user end has an 'environment' cam