Category "websocket"

Mosquitto Broker service refuses to start on websockets

I am trying to start my Eclipse Mosquitto broker service for listening to websockets adding: listener 8083 protocol websockets at the mosquitto.conf If I o

SignalR: Cancellation in Case of Client to Server Streaming makes code buggy in case of dotnet client

I’m trying to send a stream from client to server from a dotnet client to another dotnet server through sending an invocation to a method on server hub as

laravel-websockets in production with reverse proxy and docker cannot establish connection

I am using laravel-websocket successfully in local and staging environment. However, when in production, I get the error WebSocket connection to '<URL>' f

Python: measuring websocket queue length waiting for ws.recv()

I am consuming low latency market data and I'm trying to measure how many streams I can consume without my code slowing down due to the websocket message queue

Network requests in Flutter app on physical iOS devices are slow

I am working on a cross-platform app using Flutter, for Android, iOS and Web. For some reason though, network requests on iOS are very slow. The app works fine

c# failed to connect to websocket server

I'm trying to connect to a websocket server. The reference is here: reference. However, it doesn't work like the example. The code runs to OnError method. The e

WebSockets in C#: How do I read a data frame when the bytes are not what they're expected to be?

I'm learning how the websocket protocol works and using C# to listen and receive some websocket data from a client. I'm using Postman to act as my remote websoc

Setting up websockets in a multi-instance node environment using PM2

My current setup is running multiple node instances using PM2 to manage the instances and act as a load balancer. I would like to implement some functionality

"Error: Invalid WebSocket frame: RSV1 must be clear" while using Socket.IO

What might be the problem for which, I'm getting this error "Error: Invalid WebSocket frame: RSV1 must be clear"? I'm using the package to connect to

FastAPI websockets not working when using Redis pubsub functionality

currently I'm using websockets to pass through data that I receive from a Redis queue (pub/sub). But for some reason the websocket doesn't send messages when us

Error: write EPROTO 4455222784:error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number:../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/ssl3_record.c:332:

I have a websocket server running on the backend using the ws nodejs library. I'm getting this error whenever I am trying to connect to it from the client side.

Python - Unidirectional websocket

I'm trying to create a unidirectional websocket connection between the client and server (python). The libraries I've currently been prototyping with are websoc

Two websockets with BinanceSocketManager

I'm trying to open two web sockets - depth book and user socket. Here's my code: async def sockets(client): bm = BinanceSocketManager(client) ds =

How to proxy WebSockets in Traefik?

I'm trying to set up Upsource to work behind Traefik: traefik is listening to port 8008 and 84

Web socket problem when adding subscriptions in URQL client

I am using URQL Client with Apollo server, now I am trying to handle subscriptions on URQL client, but I can't seem to make the web socket work. Hope someone ca

Websockets request fails with nginx-proxy for docker with ssl

I'm using nginx-proxy as a reverse proxy for my containers in a web server. I have a Laravel backend application with a Vue frontend and they communicate via We

gevent-socketio with Python bottle

I'm trying to put together a Python bottle application that uses gevent-socketio and am having trouble. I'm using the following versions of software: Python: 2.

Meraki API - Redirect stdout, stderr to websocket or file

I'm using a Flask route to call the Meraky python library and trying to redirect the stdout and stderr of each API call to a websocket or eventually a log file,

Websockets on Android Unity devices

I am new to websockets, and I have some doubts that I would like you to clarify, but first of all I would like to tell you what is the aim of the project: I hav

C# - Websocket - Sending Message Back To Client

I've been working on a C# Web Socket server for roughly 24 hours. I've currently figured out how to complete a handshake and get the connection initialized. Als