Category "widget"

Programmatic Control of Edit Widget Font Size?

SwiftUI offers .dynamicTypeSize(...) to control/limit the impact of user Text size preferences. An app developer, for example, can limit dynamic type to Dynamic

iOS Deep Link from Widget when App closed?

My widget has several links that the user can click, the link are set up as follows: Link(destination: URL(string: "widget://start")!) Now I am able to detect

Widget appears after the user's input

I'm creating a GUI and I had an issue. My GUI is going to interact with the users, so depending on the user's input I want a button to appear. How can I do it?

How do I get an overlay to appear on a button click and then that button stay above the overlay in flutter?

I'm developing an app and I want the button I click on to activate a total screen overlay. Basically turn the screen darker whilst keeping the button I've click

Paste an image from my clipboard on an html widget (Odoo 10 Community)

When I paste an image from my clipboard to a text or html type field with widget="html" its duplicated the image. Like this. The browser console does not show a

django-import-export, importing ManyToMany from XLSX

For my current project I need to import data from excelsheets format .xlsx to the django-admin. I'm struggling with the many2many relations that I have in my mo

Resize IPython.display.Audio bar

Is there a way to resize the audio display bar in jupyter notebooks? For example, if I wanted the bar to be twice the width of its default. This would help scru

Cards as items in the DropdownMenuItem

I would like to know if it is possible to have card widgets as the items in a dropdownmenu button in flutter. I have tried, but I haven't managed to make the ca

How to create "recommended content" widget in HTML

i saw a "recommended content" widget in webs and i want to create one to my website. Example of widget i found online: widget i want to create a widget in HTML&

How to disable widget block editor of WordPress?

WP 5.8 comes with a new system to manage events named "Widgets Block Editor". How can I disable this new system and restore the classic widget editor of WordPre

How to create a bounded scrollable TabBarView

I need to implement the following layout in Flutter. When the user scrolls, I want the entire layout to scroll (hiding the header and tab bar). However, I ca

Flutter: Autocomplete not showing suggestions when suggestion list changes

Framework & Architecture I have a specific architecture in my Flutter app. I am using BLoC pattern (flutter_bloc) to maintain state and fetch data from remo

How do I center text vertically and horizontally in Flutter?

I'd like to know how to center the contents of a Text widget vertically and horizontally in Flutter. I only know how to center the widget itself using Center(ch

The page property cannot be read when multiple PageViews are attached to the same PageController.Failed assertion: line 184 pos 7:

Iam trying to restart the quiz app but when iam press the restart i have this error message (The page property cannot be read when multiple PageViews are attach

How do I collect multiple entries into a single label using tkinter?

I'm trying to create a tkinter program that allows for dynamically adding Entry fields using a button. I have that in place but now I am trying to store the use

Accessing child widgets of a window by their names?

Is there any way in Python/tkinter to access child elements referring by their variable names, but from an other function? For example in VBA, it is possible t

How do I call the same function with tkinter?

I have a simple tkinter window with two radiobuttons. If I select 'Yes', a new line is added with two other radiobuttons. I try to use the same function every t

Widget that contains image with rounded corners

How to make a Material You-like widget with image whose corners are rounded? It is already made in Google Photo, but how to get the same effect? Many ways (like

Newline character \n Not Working While Loading Text From Firebase

Hi i am using some text data to load from firebase and then showing it as Text.I am using Text() widget .I have a field called description in my firebase docume

SwiftUI how to align the view‘s leading to the most super view’s leading?

I’m new to SwiftUI and I’m making a widget. The default code included a text view which is both x-centered and y-centered in the super view(which I