Category "wildcard"

Use Wildcards in Replace Function in combination with 2D Array Values

I'm trying to go through a list with two columns and replace some of the text in the second column. I want to search for values using wildcards in combination w

Regex to match code with fixed country code and variable wildcard usage

I need to implement a regex which cover several requirements. These are the following: A length restriction to max 8 chars should be done (with or without wildc

Elasticsearch wildcard query in Java - find all matching fields and replace

I want to update all path fields starting with "example/one". Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>(); parameters.put("old", "example/one")

Java string matching with wildcards

I have a pattern string with a wild card say X (E.g.: abc*). Also I have a set of strings which I have to match against the given pattern. E.g.: abf - false

Java: How to implement wildcard matching?

I'm researching on how to find k values in the BST that are closest to the target, and came across the following implementation with the rules: '?' Matches

incompatible types: Myclass cannot be converted to CAP#1 where CAP#1 is a fresh type-variable:CAP#1 extends Myclass from capture of ? extends Myclass

In code I created user defined class Myclass and Myclass2 which extends Myclass and then used in ArrayList<? extends Myclass> as a arguments that means no

Traefik Docker with wildcard domain

I'm trying to setup my Traefik Docker with Let's Encrypt SSL: Here is my traefik.toml defaultEntryPoints = ["http", "https"] [entryPoints] [entryPoints.da

Wildcard matching in Java

I'm writing a simple debugging program that takes as input simple strings that can contain stars to indicate a wildcard match-any *.wav // matches <anythin