Is there a way to disable Action Center Notifications in Windows 10 with PowerShell?
My website is setup through IIS10, and I've given my application pool user, IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool, all the rights I can think of. But when I use this appl.
Can anyone tell me, by which WINDOWS C/C++/API function I can fetch theAccount expires <date> and Password expires <date> or Nevervalues, just like
I tried to download the latest version (4.2.0) of R on my windows computer and received this error message upon trying to open the program. "Fatal error: 'R_Te
I have a Win32 service that runs in an AD environment. Very early in its startup phase, this service now needs to make ADSI calls in order to find out the compu
I use set parametr ad
Code #! C:\Python310\python.exe import os import sys print(f"PY_PYTHON={os.getenv('PY_PYTHON')}") print(f"{sys.version=}") print(f"Shebang : '{open(__file__).re
exec.Command() works for executing C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe But exec.Command() doesn't work for executing C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microso
I want to set the account's picture through my C# program, but I can't find any API to set it. So I try to set it by generating a accountpicture-ms file then ap
I just installed Python 3.10 on my work machine. I went to pip install pandas and got a Win32 error on a temp file within the AppData Temp Folder.I have tried
I am in a AWS environment,with Azure AD, and a mix of Windows and Linux servers. We want to enable MFA for logging into any of the Windows based servers. My own
Has anyone found a working solution to unpin Internet Explorer (and other apps) from the Taskbar in Win 10 B20H2 / 21H2? I tryed ALOT of the solutions in google
This is the first time I'm working with tailwind css , after I did the required installations , and linked my styles.css file to the html file ,it only removed
I am trying to install the CUDA toolkit in order to be able to use Thundersvm in my personal computer. However I keep getting the following message in the GUI i
Problem: I can open VS code and start typing but after ~30s (sometimes minutes) the window freezes showing this message: I am using python on a jupyter noteboo
My workstation has only .NET framework 4.8 activated, and I have no admin priviledges to active .NET 3.5 in control panel. Is there any version of Selenium basi
I have a stepper motor controller that I can command through a USB COM on windows. The manufacturer provided a software but I want to create my own on python (I
If I run locally run start Everything works perfectly. After executing the command docker run -p 3000:3000 -v /app/node_modules -v ${pwd}:/app b88c46febae5 I ge
How do I specify explicitly to MSVC compiler / linker to link against API sets (*ms-win* pattern matcing dlls) instead kernel32.dll, ntdll.dll etc.? For example
Please take a look at these two threads : how-to-clear-eventlog-with-powershell-or-wevtutil delete-old-entries-of-the-event-log-with-powershell Some days ago so