Since some time it seems the NtlmAuthenticator of RestSharp is deprecated. The somewhere mentioned method of setting setting.UseDefaultCredentials = true; isn't
I create .Net Core API and I configure the windows authentication. In my angular application I have to put in each request this option withCredentials : true. I
I have a requirement, where I validate user using Windows Authentication. Till there it works perfectly fine. But when I try to redirect to respective controlle
I have a legacy Angular application and there's a snippet of code below that makes a call to a ASP page on the same server and port getTableData.getUser = funct
I've created an ASP .NET Core 6 Web App with Windows authentification from a template and I assume that current Windows user's credentials to be obtained autom
I am currently implementing an ASP.NET Core app with Angular as described here. With the help I got in this question, I was already able to get the application
I am learning dotnet core 6, and making application for Intra. I need to get user data (user name and surname, and user groups) from company's Active Directory