Category "windows-subsystem-for-linux"

How can I raise the limit for open files in Ubuntu 20.04 on WSL2?

My setup looks as follows: Windows 10, Release 1909 (Build 18363.1082), using WSL2 with an Ubuntu 20.04 environment. Everything works nicely most of the time, b

Docker not starting on Windows 11 with WSL 2

I'm trying to setup docker with WSL 2 to run a Dockerfile. I downloaded Docker Desktop, and when I tried to follow the quick start guide, I got the following er

Can't commit to github remote via ssh after installing zsh

I had SSH key paired with my Win10 machine and Github account, and it's was working on Bash, but today I installed ZSH (oh-my-zsh) via WSL, and now when I'm try

Can't seem to get MySQL to start in Docker Container

I'm trying to get MySQL to run in a Docker Container under Windows 10 WSL 2. I attempted to start the container with this command: docker run -d --name mysql -

PkgResourcesDeprecationWarning: 0.1.36ubuntu1 is an invalid version, has anyone seen this before

/home/user/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pkg_resources/ PkgResourcesDeprecationWarning: 0.1.36ubuntu1 is an invalid version and will not be sup

Trouble using python/brownie in WSL

I'm trying to complete the simple collectible NFT tutorial from this freeCodeCamp video. (I'm getting stuck on the script that starts exactly where the link is

WSL2 (docker) ports are not openend on host

When I run an image through docker in WSL2, the ports are not published on the host machine. Why is this? What can I do to make this work?

"pip3 list" not showing any output on terminal when using WSL

Tried to do a pip3 install virtualenv and found that there are no outputs and have left the terminal to run for quite some time. Have to do a manual interruptio

Buildozer on WSL not recognize phone

hi i have problem with WSL and buildozer. the same app/files work on my VM but not on WSL(running from bash). i installed buildozer the same way i did in my VM.

Using .env files to set environment variables in Windows

I am working on a set of projects that use .env files for configuration, where each .env file exports a number of environment variables. The files are setup lik

WSL Ubuntu hangs, how to restart? [closed]

Occasionally WSL hangs on Windows 10. Opening "Ubuntu" bash just hangs. Any way to restart WSL without rebooting Windows ?

Running Puppeteer on WSL2 controlling the Chrome on Windows

I'm trying to get to run puppeteer on WSL2. I've tried using a remote display via VcXsvr but my firewall settings and host have custom changes and I've frankly

Copy Files from Windows to Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) [closed]

I have enabled developer mode and installed Bash on Ubuntu on Windows. My home directory can be found under %localappdata%\Lxss\home\<ubun

Moving files between different WSL2 instances? [closed]

If it is possible, how can I move files from one WSL instance to another directly? This would be useful when trying out new distributions, e.g

Connect to existing instance of Postgresql from WSL 2

I'm running Ubuntu WSL 2 on Windows 10. Before I installed WSL I already had Postgresql installed on my Windows 10. I wanted to connect to the database from WSL

Connect to SQL Server running on Windows host from a WSL 2/Ubuntu sqlcmd

I have a host running Windows 10, WSL 2. My guest is Ubuntu. I'm trying to use sqlcmd to connect to the SQL Server running on my host machine, but I'm not sure

VS Code - wsl server closed unexpectedly

yesterday my laptop run out of battery it was late night and decided to not turn it on back. In the morning I ran into this issue Could you help me please. Can'

Docker for windows will not start

I have installed Docker for windows as a complete noob looking to try it out. I have ensured Hyper-V is enable, virtualisation is enabled also any time I try an

Difference between "WSL2+docker desktop windows" and directly install docker on the WSL2 distro?

Why is it recommended to run WSL2+docker desktop windows, instead of directly install docker on the WSL2 distro ? It seems that both work but I read that the w

Connecting to WSL2 server via local network

I'm developing a rails app using WSL2/Ubuntu on my Windows 10 machine, which is great! The problem is I can't connect to my server from another computer in the