Category "winforms"

C# WinForms | Can I detect specific Sounds with a Microphone Input and let my program detect that specific sound and respond to it?

I'm currently trying to make a C# programm that simulates a Dial-Up Connection. So this what the programm should do: When I play a DTMF Tone like 212 5678912 or

WinForm using webview2 with SSO

I have a client application that hosts a web browser control (WebView2). The client application is configured to use SSO so the current windows user is automati

Error Unabled to add User controls to a form

I get these two error messages, when trying to add a User Control to a Form. Worked fine for long, no problems. Now the Design won't show the already added User

Creating a KeyEventArgs field with the desired KeyCode value in C#

I wanna make an opportunity to rebind some buttons. I have "launchParametrs.txt" file so the KeyEventArgs field must get KeyCode from "Start: (bind button from

Fetching images from the CefBrowser - How many and what is their order?

I'm using the CefSharp browser to grab images off of an Html page and convert them to System.Drawing.Bitmaps. To do so, I've implemented a BrowserRequestHandler

First row is selected by default upon form loading

private void FormatdgvParts(DataGridView d) { d.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect; d.MultiSelect = false; d.R

compare user draw to a bitmap defined

I'm trying to build an app like StrokePlus using bitmap to be able to check between two images if they're the same visually. The user can draw on the whole scre

How to add button to a specific DataGridView C# WinFrom

Hi, I am very new to C# and window forms. Just like this image showing, I added DataGridView_B to DataGridView_A, where DataGridView_B is usually invisible an

Hovering over a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn in a WinForms app in Windows 11 turns cell black (OK in Windows 10)

When we run our application on Windows 11 the DataGridView control seems to act differently. Hovering over a cell in a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn turns the cell

How to solve the infinite loop in reportviewer? winforms

I am working with reportviewer in visual studio 2010, but when I open the report for the first time the data loads correctly, but when I change to another repor

UI thread slow to respond to Progress updaters on async Task method using VS2022 & Net6.0

I’ve run into a performance obstacle and I’m uncertain of the cause, all of this is running under VS2022 & Net6.0. As this is my 1st time using

Using c# winform Live-Charts, how to make real time plot with changing data?

My data is coming from a real time source that provides a number of milliseconds from start and the value. I want a real time plot, i.e. the old values fall of

Fill the DataSource of a DataGridView with existing Columns

Is there a way to fill the DataSource of a DataGridView using the existing Columns? I'm trying to set a DataSource to my DataGridView; every time I set my DataS

Need help deleting rows/lines in richtextbox c# win forms

So essentially, I have a button, when I press the button, the button should delete the most recent row of text embedded into the rich text box. Press it again,

How can I embed a variable on build from a text file I read?

I am working on C# winform application and I had setup .env files with this package, the problem is I can't access my data

What is preventing Combobox SelectedValue from setting?

I have several comboboxes, all similar code and only one, CustomerSelector.SelectedValue, is not working. I have even tried setting the value like this: Custom

c# How to get the most repeated pixel values from an image

Bitmap image; private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { pictureBox1.Image = image; Color co; for

How to set color for checkbox present in datagridview?

I have a datagridview in windows form. It looks like this. In this, have one Checkbox column, two textbox column. My requirement is need to set readonly true a

How to support snap layout in WinForms in C# for windows 11

How to support snap layout in WinForms for windows 11. I'm using c# 10. My application's custom maximize button shows only tooltip. MainForm's WndProc code: pr

Databind Object to Winforms DatagridView with ComboBox

Currently I'm trying to databind object properties to a datagridview. The thing is that the datagridview should have a combobox column, where the user has to ch