Category "wordpress-gutenberg"

WordPress 5.9 editor-style.css not working anymore and adds css properties that overrides block styling

I have a WP site with the Gutenberg editor styled (the place where you are writing the entry). It worked perfectly until this 5.9 update, where there have been

javascript injected in tinymce editor by wordpress when gutenberg is desactivated

with a fresh install and up to date of wordpress (5.8.2), when I desactivate gutenberg editor, Wordpress add this javascript code in all TinyMCE editor (content

Floating blocks in Gutenberg editor

I am trying to develop a block that can align left/right in a floating way like do the blocks core/image, core/audio, ... I mean that the UI of Gutenberg adapts

Wordpress Gutenberg Anchor Support for Dynamic Block

I want to have anchor support for my dynamic wordpress block. I did //in registerBlockType supports: { anchor: true, }, This adds the HTML Anchor control

How to disable widget block editor of WordPress?

WP 5.8 comes with a new system to manage events named "Widgets Block Editor". How can I disable this new system and restore the classic widget editor of WordPre

How to add width and height to Wordpress Gutenberg image block output?

Default Gutenberg Image block i HTML output has no height="xxx" and width="xxx" parameters: <div class="wp-block-image"> <figure class="aligncenter si

How can I remove the "Advanced" panel of all blocks in WordPress block editor?

I want to optimize the WordPress block editor for my clients and hide everything that might confuse my clients. I've already removed several panels (colors, typ

Custom Gutenberg Block Slider

I am currently trying to wrap my head around the new world of Gutenberg Block development and React components, which is all fairly new territory for me. So far

Disable Gutenberg editor for certain page ids

I need to disable the gutenberg editor on the edit screen of certain pages. I know how to disable it for post types, like all pages: /**************************

How can I use serialized data in Gutenberg?

I am trying to create a Sidebar plugin that stores post meta to be used on the front end. Without getting into the unnecessary details, I need to store all the