Category "wordpress"

How to submit the custom form data in database in WordPress without plugin using ajax?

I have a created a contact form in the function.php and added short code on my page and it's working. I am getting my form. function st_contact_form(){ ob_star

Change user role if checkout custom checkbox is checked in WooCommerce

I'm trying to add a custom function to my child-themes functions.php file where a checkbox is added to the bottom of the billing details form on the checkout pa

Changing currency on checkout with WooCommerce Multilingual Plugin

I'm trying to implement currency change on checkout with WooCommerce Multilingual Plugin. I need a country with COP and the rest of countries with USD. First I

Disable slick slider when viewport is less than 481px

I have a while loop that display posts using the slick slider multiple items format. This displays and works with no problems. I want to be able to 'disable'

woocommerce get_order_report_data to show order_item_id

I would like to show order_item_id by get_order_report_data() I can use the array to show product id and order id : array( '_product_id' => array(

How can I remove the "Advanced" panel of all blocks in WordPress block editor?

I want to optimize the WordPress block editor for my clients and hide everything that might confuse my clients. I've already removed several panels (colors, typ

Shortcode or PHP inside a shortcode in Wordpress

On a php page in wordpress, I have a shortcode for an accordion, that consists of the following, and works perfectly: <?php echo do_shortcode('[su_accordion

Applying programmatically a coupon to an Order in WooCommerce3

I'm developing a plugin that creates an order directly (no cart) and applies a coupon. In version 3.0 of the woo API the function add_coupon() has been deprecat

What's the net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR about?

I'm currently working on a website, which triggers a net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR 200 error on Google Chrome. I'm not sure exactly what can provoke this error,

Insert/Edit link modal text fields can't be focused TinyMce Wordpress

I have a TinyMce instance inside a bootstrap Modal. When i click the "Insert/Edit Link" button, the modal opens correctly but the text fields are not focusable

Cannot remove action noindex in wordpress

I've done some research and run up with this code remove_action('wp_head','noindex',1); but apparently it's not removing the <meta name="robots" content="

Woocommerce redirect after add-to-cart error

I have being doing research for a few days but still cannot find an answer. I am using Woocommerce without the Single Product page. So I am using urls like htt

Wordpress create application password for user programmatically

First time working with Wordpress and looking to build a plugin. In the plugin I create a user to which I want to create a named application password. Is there

Wordpress Flatsome theme (UX Builder) not saving changes

I just installed the flatsome theme on WordPress on my namecheap server and I'm having a problem whereby the changes I make with the UX builder don't save. Ever

Wordpress : Load the whole Page using AJAX

I currently using Oxygen Builder in my wordpress, tryna load my other page using AJAX and I'm very very noob at this. Then, i've done some research about it fir

Additional price based on cart item count in WooCommerce

Based on "woocommerce change price in checkout and cart page" answer code that change the total price in checkout page, I have added some extra code to count th

How to skip cart page on woocomerce for certain products only?

I added this to my functions.php file : add_filter ('woocommerce_add_to_cart_redirect', 'woo_redirect_to_checkout'); function woo_redirect_to_checkout() { $che

Filter WooCommerce products with post__in and additional meta queries

I am trying to find products that are on sale (including product variations) in addition to another meta_query of price under X. The wc_get_product_ids_on_sale(

Apache won't bind to ANY port (OS 10048)

I can't get the Apache service to start. When I try to start it from services I get the following events in event viewer. The Apache service na

Adding hreflang tags automatically in WordPress subdirectory multisite

We have a WordPress MU subdirectory network setup: - main website, USA, global - to display for UK visitors