Category "wordpress"

I can't upload image in wordpress

when i upload an image in wordpress media library this message appears post-processing of the image failed likely because the server is busy or does not have en

WordPress and WPML : rewrite slug + language = 404

I use WPML with WordPress. I created 3 custom post types for a project with students. I would like for each student's page to add their names in the slug like t

Adding custom body class to the custom archive pages

I have created two custom archive pages: archive-one.php and archive-two.php. Archive pages are placed inside main catalog of my theme. Now what I trying to do

Updating and Synchronizing Woocommerce Subscriptions to Custom Date

We have a client who is shipping Subscription products (which are actually Composite products with four to five Bundles of products in them) and they offer deli

Split a WooCommerce order and create a new order if the original order has products in backorder

I have the custom order status and it works. What I need help with here is looping through the order items and checking if any of them are on backorder and if

How to upload Audio file to wordpress via Rest API from flutter

I am able to upload images via API to WordPress but not audio files, it gives HTTP 500 error when I try to pass the Audio file to the method. But when I pass th

The PHP code skips the main image on my product feed from Woocommerce

This function should return an array of Woocommerce product photos links, but it seems that the product feed that is created take the main picture only when the

Removing white gap from Wordpress page

The link below is where to find my website that I am making for a university project and for a client. Once

Can't connect wpdatatables to ms sql database

I want to connect the Wordpress pluggin wpdatatables to my Ms sql database, but every time i try it appear the next message: "wpDataTables could not connect to

How to hide my security features in wordpress

How can I hide the power to see wp-includes from my wordpress website, try the Hide My WP-WordPress Security plugin and it totally ruins my website, someone who

I want to change pricing values according to different countries

I am creating a WordPress website and I'm using Techland theme from ninetheme. So I've created a price page and want to display pricing values by country. for e

javascript injected in tinymce editor by wordpress when gutenberg is desactivated

with a fresh install and up to date of wordpress (5.8.2), when I desactivate gutenberg editor, Wordpress add this javascript code in all TinyMCE editor (content

best way to comment line in include woocommerce file

Is there a way to comment the following line or not call the function in the part of the code in Woocommerce? woocommerce/includes/admin/wc-admin-functions.php

Woocommerce product qty shortcode not working on mobile browsers

I've got an with a site, we've got this shortcode on it: if( !function_exists('show_specific_product_quantity') ) { function show_specific_product_quantity( $a

Filter WooCommerce related products by Polylang language

I'm using polylang plugin to having multi-languages website. Using WooCommerce with polylang demands duplicating each product for each language, so assuming I h

How to change product Image when variables are selected in Shop and Archive Pages?

I use this hook to show variations on the shop page. However, the product image does not change when a variable is selected. It works on a Single product page.

How to Replace Copied Text from A wordpress website to Custom text

I have a wordpress website. I try to come up with solutions to protect my website from being copied. I try to know, is it possible to Replace Copied Text from A

Get all WooCommerce products within own plugin

Within a plugin how do I get products using wc_get_products()? Or is there another way to do it? if ( in_array( 'woocommerce/woocommerce.php', apply_filters( 'a

Re-init SearchWP Live Ajax Search

I'm using the SearchWP Live Ajax search in the navigation of a website in combination with BarbaJS. After a page transition (without refresh) also the navigatio

Wordpress - Multiple Checkboxes at least 1 checkbox should be required in Contact Form 7

I have a list of multiple check boxes in contact form 7 plugin form. [checkbox checkbox-654 "test1"] [checkbox checkbox-655 "test2"] [checkbox checkbox-656 "t