Category "wso2"

WSO2 EI get attachement filename in SOAP request

I need to get the filename of the attachment given in a SOAP request. The SOAP request looks like this : <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="

How can I add users into a wso2 Identity server tenant via Rest APIs?

enter image description hereI am trying to add users into a tenant using this url https://localhost:9443/t/{tenant-domain}/api/server/v1 But it responds with 20

WSO2 Api Manager(wso2am-4.0.0) - Is the default token endpoint changed in wso2am-4.0.0?

In the latest WSO2 Api Manager, the default token endpoint seems to have changed to https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token In the previous versions, the token endp

To Merge CSV Files in WSO2 EI 6.6.0 using file connector 2.0.24

I am trying FileMerge Operation in WSO2 EI 6.6.0 using FileConnector 2.0.24. The problem here is that it is generating an output file with empty content. API Co

WSO2 Micro Integrator - DBReport Mediator Return Generated Keys

By using DBReport mediator I executed insert function to my database table. After successful insert operation is it possible to return the auto incremented key

npm run Build:dev error when doing Advance UI Customization

I wanted to customize the UI elements in the publisher portal and followed this guide But I get the following error when running this in cmd; npm run build:dev

The endpoint reference (EPR) for the Operation not found in WSO2 EI 6.6

I Created a DSS and exposed as a REST resource and it's working fine in Management Console try this service option, but while trying from the postman I get the

WSO2 IdendityServer throwing ThreadDeath Exception

I start the server using the ./ start command but after a few hours the server stops responding and throws a ThreadDeath exception. I tried modifyi

WSO2 IS 5.10 - User Portal application missing in service provider list

My User Portal app is missing when I check the Service Providers: But when I try to create a new one it tells me that it still exists . Moreover, the User Por

Ballerina Swan Lake an IDEs. How to get sequence diagrams

It's me again! After getting help with this question here, I managed writing a little microservice in Ballerina. For that I switched to Swan Lake as recommended

Info required regarding Security+Advisory+WSO2-2021-1603

For the advisory Security+Advisory+WSO2-2021-1603, the fix mentioned is to use the publi

Install WSO2 ESB and Api Manager server in one server

I have to install both WSO2 ESB and API manager server in same development server. But always get Port already in use exception. I think that caused by the two

How do i use wso2 dblookup mediator with mysql? i tried this code on micro integrator

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <api context="/database" name="databaseApi" xmlns=""> <resource methods

WSO2 Private PaaS on AWS EC2 doesn't complete the installation

I'm trying to creanting an environment for WSO2 Private PaaS in Asia Pacific Region(ap-southeast-1) using Private PaaS AMI provided by WSO2 (ami-4e062c1c). I'm

wso2 identity server startup error v 5.11.0 windows 10

TID: [-1234] [] [2022-02-26 15:41:04,837] [] INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivator} - Starting WSO2 Carbon... TID: [-1] [] [2022-02-26 15:41:

First API with WSO2 APIM 4.0.0, creation seem fine but HTTP 404 when trying to call API

I newly installed an instance of WSO2 API Manager 4.0.0 using the Simple Node configuration